I made a bag with a zipper to house some of Penelope's wooden blocks the other week. I used scrap fabric I had left over from when I reupholstered a chair when I was pregnant. I also recycled and used the pink zipper I tore out of the Lilly Pultizer skirt I made into a Pillow Case dress. So it doesn't really match but I figured reusing the zipper was more important.
I didn't take a super great picture of the bag, because Penelope was being so cute with her blocks. The girl makes some funny faces.
Here is where I learned to make this type of bag. I didn't double line it like the tutorial, because this was my first time using a zipper and honestly I just couldn't figure it out, maybe next time.
Oh and if anyone is wondering her dress is organic and from Sage Creek Organics. Pretty cute, right?
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