Mimi the Sardine sent me their Spill Mat to review about a month ago, when they sent the Messy Baby Bib to giveaway. I have been using it this whole time under her high chair when Penelope eats dinner with us. It has really worked great. Its a large enough of a square of fabric (42"x42"), that it pretty much catches everything that falls. I lazily, wipe it down, after dinner or pick up the big pieces (ok, Peter does this) and then I fold it up and put in the little bin that is on the bottom area of her high chair till next time. Once a week I wash in the machine for a good cleaning. The Spill Mat can double as a art mat for letting the tots go crazy with creative time, but I found and even better use...
Just last week we starting doing Elimination Communication with Penelope. Half of our house is tiled and wood floors but the other half is carpet, and she spends a good amount of time playing on the carpeted areas. We have our house on the market and just got our carpets cleaned, so I was not about to let her go diaper free over the carpets. As I brain stormed about what I could do to contain any messes, I gazed at her Spill Mat folded up underneath her high chair. And I thought, "BINGO!!" I can spread her Spill Mat over the carpet and let her play with her toys on that. And it worked perfectly! If I don't catch a pee-pee, I just wipe it and spray it down with my homemade all purpose spray and keep on using it. Once, I missed part of a poo-poo, and I wiped it down and then through it in the wash with the cloth diapers. I let it air dry in the laundry room and it was dry within a half hour and ready for use again.
The mat is made of organic cotton with a water based acrylic coating on it. So no nasty chemicals! And they have the CUTEST patterns and designs to choose from.
I really, really like this product and recommend it for feeding/art time OR if you are practicing Elimination Communication!
{Full disclosure: Mimi the Sardine sent me the Spill Mat to review and in return I keep the mat.}
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