Homegirl at the Healthy Home Economist has blown my mind. Again.
Think raw veggies are best? Think again!
She has one little line about alfalfa sprouts that came as a big surprise to me. She said that they are mildly toxic and an immuno suppressant! Shit! I have been sprouting seeds, including alfalfa, for several months now and I thought I was being such a healthy rock star. Nope! Learn something new everyday.
Did you have a cesarean birth? Have you ever had any procedures done to your cervix before you gave birth? There very well may be a correlation! And better news, an easy way to fix it! Some women who have scar tissue on their cervix have a hard time dilating past 1 to 3 cm and end up having a cesarean for "failure to progress". Check out this article to learn more.
I forgot to mention this new Tallahassee online resource last week, it's got something for everyone in Tallahassee. Check it out!
This is a neat article about how cavemen (and cave women) used to parent. Just fyi, it's called Attachment Parenting nowadays!
And lastly, an amazing article about Positive Discipline. I am very new to this and am very excited to learn more.
For more Sunday Surfing, visit Gems of Delight, Enjoy Birth, Breastfeeding Moms Unite, Domesticated Women, This Adventure Life, Maman A Droit, Hobo Mama and Baby Dust Diaries.
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