For five days anyway.
Well, five days may not seem like a lot, but to me it was. I have never gone more than a few hours without sugar (in any form) since I was 12 months old. Maybe sooner, who knows when my parents starting giving me processed apple juice (aka SUGAR.)
Let me just start by saying, that sugar is bad.
Really bad. I could write a whole book on the topic, in fact, many people already have. Suffice it to say, sugar is at the root of all sorts of issues from high blood pressure, diabetes and even cancer (cancer tumors feed off sugar).
It messes with your digestion system, and if your digestion is bad, your health is bad. Period.
Seriously, I can't even begin to go into how horrible sugar is for you. So just do me a favor and go read these books:
Nourishing Traditions and
The Diet Cure.
The Diet Cure is an amazing book. It's wonderfully written and makes it easy to comprehend the complexities of the human body, how it works and how what you eat (nutrition) affects every thing in your body.
I first read the book when I was focusing on quitting my caffeine addiction.
With the help of some amino acids, as recommended in the book, I have been caffeine free for almost 6 months.Sugar was next on my list!
I knew I may have had a slight yeast overgrowth in my body, and that part of my powerful addiction to sugar, was from the yeast yelling at me to feed it more sugar, but what I didn't realize, until after reading The Diet Cure, is that I very may well be ALLERGIC to sugar as well!!
By end of day 2, I felt like I was going to die. Like I had the worst kind of flu. I am not sure if was drug (sugar is a legal drug people) withdrawal effects or if I was feeling the yeast die-off effects. I was feeling much better by day 3. By day 4 I felt great!
Typically, they say that you shouldn't do a detox while you are breastfeeding. But from what research I did, I felt like a yeast detox is not the same as a heavy metal detox and would be ok. And plus, I figured if I have yeast overgrowth, she does too from drinking my sugary, yeasty milk (sigh).
Here are the supplements I took to help fight off the yeast in my body:
- garlic
- oregano oil
- grapeseed extract
- licorice root (there is some controversy about this herb and whether or not it is ok to take while breastfeeding. I went ahead with it and listened to my gut, because I felt my body could handle the hormonal fluctuations and I felt like it was really important to kill the yeast in my body now, before I get pregnant again and I can't take this herb then.)
- Solarary (my preferred brand for all supplements and vitamins) actual makes a pill that combines all of the above, so I just took one pill three times a day to get all those herbs in me.
- additional doses of reuteri probiotics (normally I just take one a day, but I upped it to two a day for the two weeks I was abstaining from all carbs to kill off the yeast).
These are the supplements I took to reduce my sugar cravings and normalize my blood sugar:
- L-Gluatmine ( I took this 4 times a day, one with each meal and one before bed time)
- Chromium 3 times a day with meals
- Biotin, 3 times a day with meals
- Vitamin B1, 2 times a day with meals
- I also upped my prenatal vitamin to three times a day, previously I had only taken one a day. But after reading The Diet Cure, I realized that you are supposed to take 3 to 6 pills in one day to get the full amount! Check your bottle at home, it will probably say one serving is 4 pills!
- I also upped my calcium and magnesium. This is not directly related to sugar cravings, but something I realized I was a little deficient in after reading about the amounts I should be getting per day in a supplement.
I continued to take my protandim, cod liver oil and extra vitamin D like normal. I also still take GABA and Tryptophan to help restore my adrenals from a lifetime of sugar and caffeine addiction. I will probably stop taking them in another month.
It's a lot of pills. I know.
And its expensive, I get it.
But once you have killed the yeast and freed yourself from your addiction to sugar you do not need to take anything other than your normal daily vitamins (which for me is a prenatal, vitamin d, now calcium and magnesium, cod liver oil and protandim).
So, I made it 5 days. No gluten and no sugar, no wine, nothing. Day 5 I had a piece of chocolate cake. Day 6 some chicken tenders and beer. Day 7 it just went down hill fast. I pretty much binged on sugar for the next week.
I thought that I didn't loose any of my
belly flab, but when I reintroduced sugar (read:stuffed my face) my belly almost instantaneously got bigger, flabbier, and more bloated. If I could have stuck with it for a few more weeks, I know I would be prancing around in a two piece right now.
Those 5 days taught me a lot.
I now notice much more how shitty gluten and sugar make me feel ( my lymph nodes get swollen, I feel waves of extreme fatigue and irritability, and nasal drip and congestion).
I think my yeast is much stronger than I realized. I also think that I am a much more of disordered eater than I realized. For me, that means I rely heavily on food for emotional nourishment and to de-stress.
So I need do some more emotional work to get my head in a more stable place before I try this again (maybe its the yeast making excuses!) I have been doing a new treatment for the past two weeks and I really think it is making a big difference. It's something called Trauma Release Exercises, and it is awesome. I will tell ya'll about it soon.
Back to the drawing board I go. Just putting one foot in front of the other. At least going in the right direction and praying that one day I will quit my sugar addiction for good.
If anyone wants to do some more research, here are some good links that talk about how awful sugar is for you:
Insuline Resistance
Stop Sugar CravingsGuide To Natural Sweeteners
Intestinal Belly Fat and Yeast