Here are her Top 10:
1. Eggs. Scrambled, fried, hard boiled, or raw in her smoothie. She eats about 2 to 3 eggs a day.
2. Steak. She is not a fan of chicken, but she will eat an entire steak for dinner.
3. Hotdogs. I know this may be questionable, but I personally think it is fine. I buy organic with no nitrates and I peel the skin.
4. Smoothies. She gets a smoothie most every day.
5. Fruit. She loves apples, bananas and all kinds of berries, frozen and fresh.
6. Almonds. She likes almonds and pecans. I soak them and dehydrate them to make them easier to digest and give her about a handful when she wants them.
7. Cheese. I wish she would eat raw cheese, but I have not found a flavor that she likes. She will only eat mossarezzla string cheese. Which has some protien and nutrients in it, but because it's processed it really lacks the vitamins and nutrients of raw cheese. But I figure it's a better snack than chedder bunnies.
8. Raw Milk. Once I night weaned her, she started requesting cow's milk. I give her about 2 sippy cups full of raw milk a day. I made the mistake of letting her have some Horizon Organic vanilla flavored milk at Starbucks one day and now I have to put a bit of it in her raw milk. So I mix about an ounce of the Horizon vanilla in with her cup of raw milk.
9. Fish Nuggets. When she was a baby she would eat baked salmon, but not anymore. I found some wild caught, Alaskan fish nuggets that are Gluten Free and she LOVES them.
10. Brocolli. Sautéed in a ridiculous amount of butter. She will eat like 2 cups worth when I fix it. But it has to be fresh, she wont eat it heated up the next day.
She also loves to eat soup, and on occasion: bacon, sausage, butter straight with a spoon, yogurt bites with probiotics, guacamole (but not avocados) Go Raw granola bars (sprouted and soaked grains) and the random vegetable other than broccoli, asparagus and corn mostly, and the occasional organic Elmo cracker or veggie sticks chips.
What does your toddler's eating habits like? Is there anything you wish he/she ate? I wish Penelope still ate fried bananas! Oh, and liver pate. She used to love her some liver pate, now she hates. :(

Oh wow! She has a good group of foods she likes! Great job mama!
Eli our son who is 2yrs 2 1/2 months now eats basically everything you have listed there with exception to raw milk but he suprisingly will eat steamed veggies with nothing on them! He eats veggies every night and has started to ask for salad when we eat it! He used to eat avacado like a champ but that ship sailed.
ReplyDeleteSome other items he loves: Rice cakes, whole wheat pasta, Orange Juice which he absolutely loves, Kashi Cereal Bars, Raisins, Craisins, Greek yogurt and he just came around to loving Kiwi fruit!
My daughter is the same way with broccoli! We used to have to cut her off because the sheer quantities she was eating would give her gas!
ReplyDeleteShe also loves grapes, peas, sweet potato sticks and frozen greek yogurt (
It sounds like your daughter is doing GREAT on her eating habits. I used to love to feed my boys smoothies -- seems like you could get them to eat any fruit as long as it was blended up with a couple ice cubes, a banana, some yogurt, etc.
ReplyDeleteGood job on getting your toddler to eat these foods. You said you followed baby lead weaning but then you said you night weaned her. I thought if you let your baby lead the weaning you don't force them to stop nursing. I read on your FB that she would cry out at night for milk and you would tell her no. That is not attachment parenting or baby lead weaning.
ReplyDeleteOur daughter loves hummus. It is one of her favorites.
ReplyDeleteRelax. I was just stating the facts.
ReplyDeletei recently found your blog and love it! i too had nursing issues with my daughter who is now 15 weeks old. coincidentally, she started nursing, finally, about a month ago and shortly thereafter, i linked to your site through cheeseslave. I applaud your dedication!!!
in any event, i have a 5 year old daughter, as well and she too was exposed to the horizon milk...ugh. Sometimes when she is hankering for flavored milk, i add vanilla and a few drops of stevia to raw milk and voila -vanilla milk with no added sugar!!!
I found your blog the other week and have been enjoying it. I'd love to see a post or your thoughts on what the first foods Penelope started eating were!
ReplyDelete@vg...that sounds like a good idea, although I don't know much about stevia. :)
ReplyDelete@jill... I would love to share about that, coming right up!
I would be careful with night weaning. A child needs food every 2-3 hours to work with their growing body. That is why they nurse through the night. If you keep them from doing this, you can mess with their metabolism and growth.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, where did you find those salmon bites and what brand are they? My DS used to eat bites of salmon as a baby but won't touch it anymore. He's rather particular too, but we're in the same camp as you. Baby-led and while picky, still eats some wickedly good foods (garlicy scrambled eggs are his fave food).
ReplyDeleteHey I was wondering if you could tell me how old you baby is. I would like to be able to compare my 13 month old daughters eating habits to your daughters. Thanks! Love your posts :)
ReplyDelete@ anonymous...thanks for your concern. I think that is true for an infant and young toddler, but is that still true for a 2 year old? When I night weaned her, she intuitively started asking for cows milk during the day, it was like she was trying to make up for the lost calories. She has continued to grow at a good pace and is in the 75% for weight, so I think she is alright. :)
ReplyDelete@Acacia..they are a brand called Blue Horizon. They do have salmon bites, but Penelope wont eat them. She loves the Fish Nuggets and they are breaded in a gluten free mix and it is wild caught pollock fish. daughter turned two on 11.11.11. She has been eating like this since about 15 months old.
I am SO glad u are just as concerned what ur precious Penelope puts in her mouth as I am with my son. I LOVE your blog!! Love love it!! You're so right about being frustrated with husbands who don't do any research but still want some say in what happens. You're AWESOME!! So glad to have your blog to get ideas from every week!! Penelope's a lucky little girl!!! :-)
ReplyDelete@Morrison Manor...yay! so glad you are here! look forward to getting to know you. ;)
ReplyDeleteMy 20 month old used to eat anything I gave her... corn, green beans, broccoli, fruits, etc.... Now she will only eat it if it's pureed baby food. I've tried to give her cooked vegis and fresh fruit, she just spits it out.
ReplyDeleteHow do you suggest I get her to eat the real deal? I don't want to keep giving her the fruits and vegi's in baby food form.
Thank you.
@Anonymous...gosh, I am not sure. My first thought is to just keep trying to give her pieces of whatever you are eating and hope that eventually she switches over. Good luck!