Remember this post? Well, this is what I ended up doing with them for her party!
These were my supplies. I went a little nuts in the Martha Stewart section of Micheal's but it was worth it!
I made this sign to hang on the front door. Nothing like some glue and glitter for a craft project!
And then made these to go in the front play room as decoration.
Each month had a foot print and a picture of her during that month. Before I pasted the original's to the scrapbook paper, Peter scanned them for me and uploaded them to our computer so we always have a copy.
After the party, I took them down and put them all in a scrapbook as a keepsake.
I am so thrilled with how the decoration and scrapbook keepsake came out. Mostly, I am just stoked that I managed to keep my shit together long enough to remember to stamp her feet each month!
I am tempted to do it again for her second year, but maybe just do it quarterly, instead of monthly??
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sausage-Sweet Potato Soup
Ok, so its not exactly the consistency of soup but its really freaking good!
4 to 5 sweet potatoes
1 cup of lentils ( I got the French Black Lentils from New Leaf in the bulk section)
1 pd sausage (I bought Thompson Farms Hot Sausage from New Leaf)
1 pd collard greens
1 onion
1 tablespoon garlic
2 cups chicken stock
A woman named Tara gave me the recipe for this meal. It sounded so delicious and nutritious when she told me about it, I went out to New Leaf that day to round up the ingredients. It's a great Fall recipe too, with the sweet potatoes and the warmth of the soup to warm you up on a cold day.
It made a ton of food too! I had enough for dinner plus leftovers and then two other containers made it to the freezer each holding enough for dinner and leftovers.
I served with cous-cous, but you could any kind of rice, both Penelope and Peter inhaled it.
First, I boiled the sweet potatoes and lentils. Wait, back up, first I soaked the lentils over night in water, to make them easier to digest. I just found this article that says you can ferment potatoes in keifer or yogurt to make them easier to digest, so next time I will do that.
While the potatoes where boiling I cooked the sausage. Then I added the onions and garlic and cooked them in the sausage fat drippings. Yum!
Then I added the collard greens and let them sit on top of the onions for a few minutes. When they started to get soft, I started folding them nice and easy.
Once the potatoes and lentils were soft I put them in the food processor and pureed them with the chicken stock. Peter and I both like our soups pretty thick, so mine is pretty thick. I think it would take another cup or two of chicken stock to make it more of a soup consistency. On a side note, you can not puree potatoes and lentils in a blender. Maybe if you have a nicer blender than me, I don't know. Mine's a piece of you know what. My food processor is on the top shelf that I can't reach without standing on a chair and I was trying to save 5 seconds by not getting in down,instead I wasted like 10 minutes attempting in the damn blender and then getting the food processor down and transferring it all in. Not to mention dirtied it up for no reason. Ugh, lesson learned.
Then you just mix it all up and enjoy!
4 to 5 sweet potatoes
1 cup of lentils ( I got the French Black Lentils from New Leaf in the bulk section)
1 pd sausage (I bought Thompson Farms Hot Sausage from New Leaf)
1 pd collard greens
1 onion
1 tablespoon garlic
2 cups chicken stock
A woman named Tara gave me the recipe for this meal. It sounded so delicious and nutritious when she told me about it, I went out to New Leaf that day to round up the ingredients. It's a great Fall recipe too, with the sweet potatoes and the warmth of the soup to warm you up on a cold day.
It made a ton of food too! I had enough for dinner plus leftovers and then two other containers made it to the freezer each holding enough for dinner and leftovers.
I served with cous-cous, but you could any kind of rice, both Penelope and Peter inhaled it.
First, I boiled the sweet potatoes and lentils. Wait, back up, first I soaked the lentils over night in water, to make them easier to digest. I just found this article that says you can ferment potatoes in keifer or yogurt to make them easier to digest, so next time I will do that.
While the potatoes where boiling I cooked the sausage. Then I added the onions and garlic and cooked them in the sausage fat drippings. Yum!
Then I added the collard greens and let them sit on top of the onions for a few minutes. When they started to get soft, I started folding them nice and easy.
Once the potatoes and lentils were soft I put them in the food processor and pureed them with the chicken stock. Peter and I both like our soups pretty thick, so mine is pretty thick. I think it would take another cup or two of chicken stock to make it more of a soup consistency. On a side note, you can not puree potatoes and lentils in a blender. Maybe if you have a nicer blender than me, I don't know. Mine's a piece of you know what. My food processor is on the top shelf that I can't reach without standing on a chair and I was trying to save 5 seconds by not getting in down,instead I wasted like 10 minutes attempting in the damn blender and then getting the food processor down and transferring it all in. Not to mention dirtied it up for no reason. Ugh, lesson learned.
Then you just mix it all up and enjoy!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Penelope Likes to Nurse- A Handmade Book
This is the little book I made Penelope when we were attempting the Big Switch.
Although, the Big Switch was a Big Flop, she LOVES her book! She also really likes her books, We Like to Nurse and Mama's Milk and Near Mama's Heart (see below for Amazon links).
I just got prints of all the pictures I had of her nursing. I did them in a 5x7 size to make them easier for her to see. Then I cut larger rectangles of black card stock and pasted the pictures to the card stock.
I decorated the front and back cover with some scrapbook paper that came with an album I got at my baby shower.
I bought some self laminating paper at Micheal's and I laminated the front and back cover. My original intention was to laminate the whole thing to make it more durable, but after doing the front and back, I realized it wasn't going to do shit to keep it safe from Penelope the Destroyer, so why waste my time!
Then I hole punched each page and threaded some ribbon through. Tied it up and viola, handmade book!
I think making a personalized book is such a useful idea to help with any transition, whether its moving to a big kid bed, weaning from boob, paci or bottle, getting ready for a baby sibling, or to explain bedtime routines.
Have you ever made a personalized book for your little one?
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Penelope's First BIRTHday!
I don't know where to even begin. I kind of feel like I am in a haze. How did a year go by? How did I get here already?
I started crying yesterday when everyone was singing Happy Birthday to Penelope at Baby Time at the library, like a dork. I couldn't help it. I have never sung Happy Birthday to her before, it's her very first birthday. Ever.
I am not sure why exactly her birthday has me so emotional. I know that I have so much more wonderful things to look forward to, but it also feels like a door closing. The end of her babyhood. Her babyhood, that I will never, ever get back.
Someone once told me that post partum lasts three years, and one of the reasons it lasts that long is because it actually takes three years to process the event of giving birth and transforming into being a mother. When your baby arrives, the old you dies, and a new you ascends from the ashes. Pieces of the old you may still be there, but they are buried deep, gestating for the next phase your life when they may come back to serve you. The new you, may still look like you, but you are different and you can never go back. It can take some time getting used to wearing your new mama shoes, they may feel funny at first, but eventually you get comfortable in them and get your stride back, even if you are not the same person.
Penelope has changed so much this year, and so have I. I have come such a long way as far as cooking and nutrition goes, among other things. I still have much to learn, but I am proud of the new me. I can't believe I used to be a vegetarian and that I used to think that was the "healthy" way to eat and that by being a vegetarian I was being environmentally responsible! I look back at the vegetarian I was in college, and think "what a silly girl!!" Not trying to nock vegetarians, just noting that my diet is one the biggest things that has changed so much. If you are vegetarian, please check out the Weston A. Price Foundation.
I never thought I would do EC, or not do a single vaccination (I thought I would do selective and delayed, but once I laid eyes on Penelope, I knew I didn't want a needle to come near her, ever.)
I thought that Penelope's birth would require me to muster all the survival skills and courage I had within me, I never realized that it would be her post partum, her baby hood, that would require those things from me. I can not believe I have pumped for an entire year. I hope to go another year, at minimum another 6 months.
This year has been the happiest/hardest year of my life. I can't believe a year has gone by. Just one year ago I was pushing her out and pulling her up into my arms. I am thankful beyond words that I was able to stay home this year and just be with my daughter and not miss a single moment.
I wonder what the next year will bring. Year 2 of post partum land. Maybe Penelope will sleep through the night before she turns 2? A Mama can dream.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PENELOPE!! My beautiful, beautiful girl.
Here are some birth and brand new post partum pictures:
I started crying yesterday when everyone was singing Happy Birthday to Penelope at Baby Time at the library, like a dork. I couldn't help it. I have never sung Happy Birthday to her before, it's her very first birthday. Ever.
I am not sure why exactly her birthday has me so emotional. I know that I have so much more wonderful things to look forward to, but it also feels like a door closing. The end of her babyhood. Her babyhood, that I will never, ever get back.
Someone once told me that post partum lasts three years, and one of the reasons it lasts that long is because it actually takes three years to process the event of giving birth and transforming into being a mother. When your baby arrives, the old you dies, and a new you ascends from the ashes. Pieces of the old you may still be there, but they are buried deep, gestating for the next phase your life when they may come back to serve you. The new you, may still look like you, but you are different and you can never go back. It can take some time getting used to wearing your new mama shoes, they may feel funny at first, but eventually you get comfortable in them and get your stride back, even if you are not the same person.
Penelope has changed so much this year, and so have I. I have come such a long way as far as cooking and nutrition goes, among other things. I still have much to learn, but I am proud of the new me. I can't believe I used to be a vegetarian and that I used to think that was the "healthy" way to eat and that by being a vegetarian I was being environmentally responsible! I look back at the vegetarian I was in college, and think "what a silly girl!!" Not trying to nock vegetarians, just noting that my diet is one the biggest things that has changed so much. If you are vegetarian, please check out the Weston A. Price Foundation.
I never thought I would do EC, or not do a single vaccination (I thought I would do selective and delayed, but once I laid eyes on Penelope, I knew I didn't want a needle to come near her, ever.)
I thought that Penelope's birth would require me to muster all the survival skills and courage I had within me, I never realized that it would be her post partum, her baby hood, that would require those things from me. I can not believe I have pumped for an entire year. I hope to go another year, at minimum another 6 months.
This year has been the happiest/hardest year of my life. I can't believe a year has gone by. Just one year ago I was pushing her out and pulling her up into my arms. I am thankful beyond words that I was able to stay home this year and just be with my daughter and not miss a single moment.
I wonder what the next year will bring. Year 2 of post partum land. Maybe Penelope will sleep through the night before she turns 2? A Mama can dream.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PENELOPE!! My beautiful, beautiful girl.
Here are some birth and brand new post partum pictures:
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
One More Day of Baby
I just got done baking my baby a cake. I have one more day of having a baby.
This time last year, I was having a very lazy, relaxed day. The most I remember from that day, is taking a long walk. I remember I could hear every little noise in the woods on my walk, every squirrel and bird, every rustle of the leaves and trees. Everything seemed bright. My awareness seemed to be heightened. At the same time, I had given up on waiting and my awareness of waiting had gone away. I forgot that I could go into labor at any moment. The previous few days, I was very preoccupied with when labor was going to start. On this day, the day labor began, I wasn't thinking about it at all.
A few days before, on Saturday we went to Calvary, Ga for Mule Day. Our friend has a country house out there with 25 acres and we go to this house every year this time. We went on several hikes on his property, all the while I was having contractions. I kept thinking, is this the night? Will I wake up in the middle of the night tonight and will labor start? We went on a bumpy, hayride that made the contractions intense! I thought for sure labor was going to start that night!
I guess technically labor did start that night, pre-labor, early labor, prodromial, whatever you want to call it. I had contractions Saturday night till about 2am when I finally fell asleep. I wanted Penelope to come that night so bad, so my friend Molly would be there and be my Doula.
Molly had to leave the next morning, we helped her pack up her things and then we went to the mall to walk and walk and walk. All the while having contractions, but as soon as I laid down or took a bath they went away. That night I went out with friends and had a great time. My back ached the whole night, like bad period cramps. I thought for sure Sunday night was going to be the night!
Monday, my due date, a hurricane was coming through. I thought, great! A low, pressure system will get me going!! What does Peter want to do? He wants to go surfing in Panama City Beach. So I thought, shit, well I haven't got anything else to do, might as well go and take my mind off impending labor.
The car ride there, I had painful contractions the whole time, must have been the way I was sitting in the car, that made Penelope's head press against my cervix and sacrum. Once at the beach, I stood and watched Peter surf and they went away. All the surfers coming and going stared at my ginormous belly and asked when my due date was. When I replied, today, they laughed and asked if my husband was in the water surfing. Yup, he was. If you are a surfer in North Florida, you know you gotta get the waves when the gettin's good, because who knows when the next swell will come through.
On the way home, I thought my water broke, looking back, I am pretty sure I just peed my pants a little. But it was exciting! Things were moving along in the right direction! The contractions got even more painful. I kept thinking, if I have to give birth in the car in between Panama City and Tallahassee, I am going to freaking kill Peter. I needed something to cope with the pain, and listening to Outkast was what I wanted. Their ATLiens album, the song Millennium to be exact. I wanted to listen to it over and over and over again. I think its pretty funny that this specific song is what I wanted to listen to, because that song used to be one of my favorites in 10th grade, when I get stoned with my high school sweetheart. Whatever. It worked.
When we got home, I took bath and then again, NOTHING.
By Tuesday, I was O.V. E. R. it. I had given up. I had surrendered control. And sure enough, that is all it took.
You can read the rest of my birth story here. And here are few early labor pictures. These are from Saturday night after coming home from Calvary.
Peter settin' up the birth tub!

Last Penelope pregnancy belly shot ever.
This time last year, I was having a very lazy, relaxed day. The most I remember from that day, is taking a long walk. I remember I could hear every little noise in the woods on my walk, every squirrel and bird, every rustle of the leaves and trees. Everything seemed bright. My awareness seemed to be heightened. At the same time, I had given up on waiting and my awareness of waiting had gone away. I forgot that I could go into labor at any moment. The previous few days, I was very preoccupied with when labor was going to start. On this day, the day labor began, I wasn't thinking about it at all.
A few days before, on Saturday we went to Calvary, Ga for Mule Day. Our friend has a country house out there with 25 acres and we go to this house every year this time. We went on several hikes on his property, all the while I was having contractions. I kept thinking, is this the night? Will I wake up in the middle of the night tonight and will labor start? We went on a bumpy, hayride that made the contractions intense! I thought for sure labor was going to start that night!
I guess technically labor did start that night, pre-labor, early labor, prodromial, whatever you want to call it. I had contractions Saturday night till about 2am when I finally fell asleep. I wanted Penelope to come that night so bad, so my friend Molly would be there and be my Doula.
Molly had to leave the next morning, we helped her pack up her things and then we went to the mall to walk and walk and walk. All the while having contractions, but as soon as I laid down or took a bath they went away. That night I went out with friends and had a great time. My back ached the whole night, like bad period cramps. I thought for sure Sunday night was going to be the night!
Monday, my due date, a hurricane was coming through. I thought, great! A low, pressure system will get me going!! What does Peter want to do? He wants to go surfing in Panama City Beach. So I thought, shit, well I haven't got anything else to do, might as well go and take my mind off impending labor.
The car ride there, I had painful contractions the whole time, must have been the way I was sitting in the car, that made Penelope's head press against my cervix and sacrum. Once at the beach, I stood and watched Peter surf and they went away. All the surfers coming and going stared at my ginormous belly and asked when my due date was. When I replied, today, they laughed and asked if my husband was in the water surfing. Yup, he was. If you are a surfer in North Florida, you know you gotta get the waves when the gettin's good, because who knows when the next swell will come through.
On the way home, I thought my water broke, looking back, I am pretty sure I just peed my pants a little. But it was exciting! Things were moving along in the right direction! The contractions got even more painful. I kept thinking, if I have to give birth in the car in between Panama City and Tallahassee, I am going to freaking kill Peter. I needed something to cope with the pain, and listening to Outkast was what I wanted. Their ATLiens album, the song Millennium to be exact. I wanted to listen to it over and over and over again. I think its pretty funny that this specific song is what I wanted to listen to, because that song used to be one of my favorites in 10th grade, when I get stoned with my high school sweetheart. Whatever. It worked.
When we got home, I took bath and then again, NOTHING.
By Tuesday, I was O.V. E. R. it. I had given up. I had surrendered control. And sure enough, that is all it took.
You can read the rest of my birth story here. And here are few early labor pictures. These are from Saturday night after coming home from Calvary.
We had to empty the water the next day, but it was convenient to have it set up in the living room for a few days, because when labor really began all Peter had to do was fill er up!
Oh so pregnant and ready. Drinking my red raspberry leaf tea.
Last Penelope pregnancy belly shot ever.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Virtual Book Club: Unconditional Parenting, Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason
This book has Blown. My. Mind.
I feel so blessed to have read this book BEFORE Penelope started doing behaviors that would have led me to do positive reinforcement or time-outs to try and change her behavior. Reading it, made me feel sick to my stomach, as I thought back to all the times I said "good job" to Ava and Ella (the girls I was a nanny to for years) and put them in time-out. I knew that spanking was off the table, but before reading this book, I thought time-outs, done a kind and respectful way was perfectly acceptable. By using punishments and rewards, I was conveying to them that I only loved them when they pleased me or impressed me or did what I asked, when I asked. I had no idea how much damage I was doing and I feel awful.
But as a friend of mine put it when talking about vaccines, "when you know better you do better."
I am going to do better with Penelope. And I invite you to read this book to do better to. Even if you have a much older child, even a teenager (even if your child is an adult for that matter!), its never too late to make a change and be a better parent.
Below is not my writing but a mix of excerpts from the book and summaries found online:
Most advice for parents begins with the question...How can we get kids to do what they're told? -- and then proceeds to offer various techniques for controlling them.
In his landmark book Unconditional Parenting (and in his DVD) Alfie Kohn begins instead by asking, What are our long-term goals for our children? It follows that we need to work WITH them, rather than doing things TO them, in order to reach those goals.
Kohn argues that punishments (including time-outs) and rewards (including positive reinforcement, like saying "Good job!") may sometimes produce temporary compliance, but they do nothing to help kids grow into responsible, caring, ethical, happy people. Moreover, he suggests that permissiveness is less worrisome than a fear of permissiveness that leads us to over control our children. Kohn offers ten important guidelines to help viewers reconnect to their own best instincts as parents.
If you are practicing Attachment Parenting, this is a must read. So much of the Attachment Parenting guidelines are in place to help you have a strong and loving relationship with your child, so that your child feels unconditionally loved. Because unconditionally loved children grow up to be responsible, ethical, caring, happy adults. But as they get older, we may loose some of our Attachment Parenting foundations because every single parenting book out there is telling us to do time outs and grounding and that maintaining control is the utmost priority.
This book totally turned me on my head and showed me another way. I knew I wanted to be a different parent than how I was parented, but I wasn't exactly sure what that looked like. I knew I was going to be an Attached Parent, but I didn't know what that looked like past infancy.
I am so excited about this book that I want to share it with you. It has changed the course of my parenting journey and I invite you to change yours.
Join me in a virtual book club! Start reading Unconditional Parenting at any time and join in on the discussion here starting December 10, 2010.
I feel so blessed to have read this book BEFORE Penelope started doing behaviors that would have led me to do positive reinforcement or time-outs to try and change her behavior. Reading it, made me feel sick to my stomach, as I thought back to all the times I said "good job" to Ava and Ella (the girls I was a nanny to for years) and put them in time-out. I knew that spanking was off the table, but before reading this book, I thought time-outs, done a kind and respectful way was perfectly acceptable. By using punishments and rewards, I was conveying to them that I only loved them when they pleased me or impressed me or did what I asked, when I asked. I had no idea how much damage I was doing and I feel awful.
But as a friend of mine put it when talking about vaccines, "when you know better you do better."
I am going to do better with Penelope. And I invite you to read this book to do better to. Even if you have a much older child, even a teenager (even if your child is an adult for that matter!), its never too late to make a change and be a better parent.
Below is not my writing but a mix of excerpts from the book and summaries found online:
Most advice for parents begins with the question...How can we get kids to do what they're told? -- and then proceeds to offer various techniques for controlling them.
In his landmark book Unconditional Parenting (and in his DVD) Alfie Kohn begins instead by asking, What are our long-term goals for our children? It follows that we need to work WITH them, rather than doing things TO them, in order to reach those goals.
Kohn argues that punishments (including time-outs) and rewards (including positive reinforcement, like saying "Good job!") may sometimes produce temporary compliance, but they do nothing to help kids grow into responsible, caring, ethical, happy people. Moreover, he suggests that permissiveness is less worrisome than a fear of permissiveness that leads us to over control our children. Kohn offers ten important guidelines to help viewers reconnect to their own best instincts as parents.
If you are practicing Attachment Parenting, this is a must read. So much of the Attachment Parenting guidelines are in place to help you have a strong and loving relationship with your child, so that your child feels unconditionally loved. Because unconditionally loved children grow up to be responsible, ethical, caring, happy adults. But as they get older, we may loose some of our Attachment Parenting foundations because every single parenting book out there is telling us to do time outs and grounding and that maintaining control is the utmost priority.
This book totally turned me on my head and showed me another way. I knew I wanted to be a different parent than how I was parented, but I wasn't exactly sure what that looked like. I knew I was going to be an Attached Parent, but I didn't know what that looked like past infancy.
I am so excited about this book that I want to share it with you. It has changed the course of my parenting journey and I invite you to change yours.
Join me in a virtual book club! Start reading Unconditional Parenting at any time and join in on the discussion here starting December 10, 2010.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday Surf 11.7.10
Awesome post about the importance of NOT telling horror birth stories to pregnant women AND telling magical birth stories to your children. Penelope will turn 1 in less than a week and I plan to start a tradition of telling her magical birth story to her on her birthday.
My parents gifted Penelope an old wooden rocking horse as an early birthday present. I had a similar one as child, but this one came from a garage sale. Although its in pretty good condition, it ain't the prettiest thing in the world. And then I saw THIS and knew exactly what I was going to do to it. Fab rocking horse re-do coming right up!
I thought this was pretty funny. Who knew that Will Smith, Andrien Grenier and Leonardo DiCaprio are all uncircumcised? I think that is good information to know!
Enjoy the rest of your beautiful Sunday!
For more Sunday Surfing, visit Gems of Delight, Enjoy Birth, Breastfeeding Moms Unite, Domesticated Women, This Adventure Life, Maman A Droit, Hobo Mama and Baby Dust Diaries.
Friday, November 5, 2010
This Moment 11.5.10
This is Penelope's jean jacket from last spring,size 3-6 months. I left it hanging up all summer because I couldn't bare to take it down, even though it stopped fitting her such a long time ago. I finally had to take it down and replace with a 2T jean jacket, but snapped a picture first.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Penelope's 12 Month Portraits!!
No yoga post today, too much going on with exams and 1st birthday around the corner, so instead, her 12 month portraits!!
We went to the pumpkin patch to have them done and they came out awesome!
Click here for the slide show.
P.S. We used Robin Adams Photography.
We went to the pumpkin patch to have them done and they came out awesome!
Click here for the slide show.
P.S. We used Robin Adams Photography.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Cranberry Pork Roast
This is a such a yummy way to do a pork roast in the slow cooker. And such an easy freezer meal.
Here is a picture of the final product all lined up, labeled and ready to go in freezer!
Here is the recipe I modified. I went the fresh cranberries route.
This is a picture of the roast I made right away. You just dump the pork roast in the slow cooker and the cranberry sauce on top. That is it!
Here is a picture of the final product all lined up, labeled and ready to go in freezer!
Here is the recipe I modified. I went the fresh cranberries route.
This is a picture of the roast I made right away. You just dump the pork roast in the slow cooker and the cranberry sauce on top. That is it!
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