If you want to see all the photos go to her website, click on Your Images, and then type in the password Mama. If you want to order some prints you can do so directly on her site. She has generously offered 50% OFF her print prices for us!
Here I am at the our "registration table". It was a sad little table, that actually fell out of Tara's husband, Corey's truck on the way over. It was a comedy of errors that morning, next year we will be much more organized, promise.
Here is our little crowd! I forgot to do a total headcount, but all in all, I think there were about 40 people there. Perfect amount for our first event.
Arn't these boys adorable?! They had little shirts on that said, "Fastest kid on the block."
The trails at Southwood are so gorgeous. My favorite part of living in this neighborhood for sure.
Our official winners! The little girl in the picture is Ava (one of the girls I was a nanny to before Penelope was born) she will be six in September and she did the whole 3.1 miles on her bike!
Tara, and her husband Cory, and Arabella. They both ran the whole time!
My god daughter Ella (Ava's sister). I still can't get over that she is not a baby anymore. She will be 5 this September!
So sweet!
I don't know what the hell I was laughing at here, but apparently I thought it was hysterical. P.S. I am rocking a prAna top and skirt, LOVE them both.
Vibram Five Fingers represent! Thanks again The Shoe Box for sponsoring the 5k!
Tara's pretty smile, doing what she does best, cheering people on!
I love this picture. I was pissed at my husband this day, because he gets really stressed out whenever I am doing some big event, that requires his help, and then he gets all moody and jerk-like. But look at him, he is so cute, my little surfer dude, I can never stay mad at him long.
Baby Hannah passed out. She was one of many babies, who need to get out and have a nursing break. It was so cool to create a 5k that was breastfeeding friendly!
Love this shot!!
My sweet little assistant and I, leading a stretch routine after the run.
This mama is so awesome.
More stretching.
Have I mentioned we love our Five Fingers?
Just hanging out.
Time for some milk! After Arabella saw Penelope nurse she decided she wanted some too. Such sweetie pies.
So there you have it! Our 1st Annual Healthy Mama, Healthy Baby 5k. Tara and I had a blast and we can't wait till next year! Please join our monthly Running/Wellness Club if you are local. If you are not local and would like to become an Healthy Mama, Healthy Baby Ambassador and start your own group, please contact us!

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