- Bikini Wax Initiation
- Mother Blessing
- Benefits of Pregnancy Massage
- Big Babies
- 30 weeks!
- Last Night I Dreamt I Gave Birth to a Puppy
- Over Half Way!
- Feeling Penelope Move
- We Picked A Name!
- Why are Heidi Klum's Ankle's NOT Swollen??
- Farts and Yoga
- Best Facial Ever
- Big Butt
- It's a Girl!
- 1 in 4
- First Appointment with our Midwife
- Two Pink Lines!
- Is Massage Therapy OK for High Risk Pregnancy?
- Pregnancy Belly Memory Lane
- Why You Should go to a Pregnancy Yoga Class
- This Time Last Year
- Waiting For Labor
- Penelope's Birth Story (End of the 4th Trimester)
- The Birth Wars
- Wait to Cut the Cord
- How Do You Birth From Within

I'm off to get a bikini wax this morning and I'm sure glad I read your post. I've had them before but not when pregnant. I've got the ice pack ready ;)