These are the cupcakes I made for a July 4th party we went to. I was trying to make a patriotic version of a rainbow cake, but without using food coloring. They didn't turn out the way I envisioned, but they were so tasty!
Everyone raved about how moist they were and my husband devoured them! Well, truth be told, so did I! I didn't let poor Penelope have any, but she learned the word cupcake. I know its only a matter of time before I wont be able to control her sugar consumption, so I am going to hold out as long as possible.
First, get your cutie set up in the Learning Tower. I had intentions of making her a July 4th dress, but this Mini Boden dress she had was perfect, so I will save the fabric for next year.
Now, for the secret ingredients! I used pureed blueberries in one batch and pureed strawberries in the other, just like I did when making Penelope's first birthday cake.
I used local blueberries that I picked and froze a few weeks ago. I bought 10 pounds of blueberries and put them in the freezer. Penelope actually likes to eat frozen blueberries better than fresh ones! I think it must feel really good on her budding teeth.
I just loved the way the bright color of the fruit looked against the bright orange pastured egg yolk and grass fed butter. The cake mix was organic and I used raw milk. So these cupcakes, could have been much healthier by using sprouted flour and some sort of natural sweetener, but these are still a million times better than crap you buy at Publix.
The strawberry batch and the blueberry batch. The strawberries turned the batter pink not red, I somehow forgot that and then the blueberries turned the other batter purple. Not exactly, red white and blue, but like I said, tasty!!
For the first round, I did strawberry, blueberry, strawberry, trying to get a gradual linear stacking, a la ombre, of the colors.
The second round I just did what. ever.
Because this is what the inside looked like no matter what. It was actually pretty cool looking, like a tye-dye art project.
Lastly, I put raspberries and blueberries on top to get the festive colors. I was hoping to print out and make these cupcake toppers, but never got around to it. Maybe next year!
P.S. These are the cupcake liners I used:

muy yummy!!!!