But, since Penelope had a cervical subluxation (Atlas vertebrae out of alignment) when she was born, I have been on edge to stay diligent about keeping her spine in alignment. She also broke her arm when she was 14 months old, from a fall that I never would have thought capable of breaking her arm. So now I also know, that just because the fall doesn't look super bad, it can still cause damage.
That day at the playground, I laid her down and checked to see if one leg was longer than the other. Sure enough it was. I immediately called our chiropractor and made an appointment. Checking your child's legs, is an easy way to check if there is a misalignment. If you look at the picture above, her right leg is longer than her left.
Penelope is so great about going to appointments. She went to so many of them the first 6 months of her life, that they must be a very normal experience for her.
Here she is getting her adjustment. Not thrilled, but not crying at all. I can't explain how he does it, but it is not like the wham, bam, crack and twist like some chiropractors do.
And Ta Da! Perfect alignment once again! After her adjustment, he told me that Penelope looked radiant. When your neck is out of alignment, your face and brain are not getting enough oxygen. But when you are in perfect alignment, you sort of give off this healthy glow.
While I was out our appointment, our Dr. (Dr. John Dunn) gave me a book to borrow. It is about how important chiropractic care for children is. It was mostly about several studies that were done on babies who died of SIDS. ALL of the SIDS babies that were in the study, had cervical subluxations like Penelope had when she was a newborn.
When a child's Atlas vertebrae is out of alignment, it trickles down the entire spine and throws everything off physically. It also creates a misfire in all the neurons up and down the spine. When the neurons are not firing off and sending the correct messages, a myriad of things can happen: chronic ear infections, ADHD, asthma, colic, you name it. For Penelope, it caused nerve issues that were correlated with her sucking reflex and it gave her TMJ. Her neck/jaw muscles were so sore and tight from her misalignment, because it was causing her head to cock to the side (like torticolus) and she could not open her mouth wide enough to nurse and it was painful to lay on her side and nurse.
I used to think that only way a newborn could have cervical subluxations was from a traumatic birth. A Cesarean birth where they pull the baby out at a funny angle sometimes, or when forceps or the vacuum extractor is used. But the book goes on to say, that even OB's/ RN's/Midwives who pull too hard on the baby, as a way to help the shoulder come out, can cause a misalignment. It does not take much at all to make the Altas vertebrae get out of alignment.
Your baby can get a subluxation while in the womb as well. It can be from the baby being in a weird position for a long time in your womb. I remember my midwife telling me, on the last several visits, that Penelope was head down, but that she was coming in at a weird angle. I also fell on the stairs about two weeks before I gave birth. I landed right on my sacrum. Since Penelope was already head down, so she could have gotten it knocked out then.
So moral of the story, if you have child, take them to the chiropractor ASAP. It is one of the main foundations of good health. If your spine is not in alignment, you can never truly get to your optimal health levels. And if your kid takes a tumble on a playground or soccer game, take them in. It is worth your time and money.
Have you ever taken your child to the chiropractor?

I love reading about this! Thank you. I need to do this more with my children. I have only taken my toddler to a chiro since he was a baby, but I need to be more diligent about taking him more regularly. Great post!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely agree that the chiropractor is a great preventative measure that EVERYONE can benefit from.
I met a friend of my sister in laws who is a chiropractor at a party and he gently touched the back of my neck and said,"wow you sure have a problem going on here." I nearly buckled over with the pain that I didn't know existed. Our bodies are so smart and they compensate in ways to avoid pain so sometimes you don't even know there is a issue. I go as much as possible now and I bring my 2 1/2 year old daughter every couple of months. Just like the dentist or going to a yearly physical, chiropractic care should be a mandatory thing not a once in awhile treat.
ReplyDeleteIt's like you read my mind! I just started going to a chiropractor this week. At my last appointment we talked about children and chiropractic care. It really got me thinking..mainly about my daughter. I just checked and sure enough her left leg is longer than her right.
ReplyDeleteMama Dani
I started getting chiropractic care the last few weeks of my pregnancy because my hip was hurting and as soon as my son was born he started receiving chiropractic care as well. We go weekly and I'd much rather spend my money on these adjustments than massage or nails. He's a really happy, healthy little guy and I'm sure seeing the chiropractor does has a part in that.
ReplyDelete@Jenna...well, you are ahead of the curve for taking him when he was a baby. My Dr. also said, that when babies and toddlers get adjustments that young, their bodies holds them much better than adults, so they don't need to come in as regular as adults do. Just do the leg check regularly. He also said to look out for crankiness for no apparent reason.
ReplyDelete@Brooke...exactly! EVERYONE needs chiropractic care!
@Lily's Mama...that is so true, our bodies compensate so much. As a massage therapist, so much of the muscle pain my clients come to see me for are simply from their muscles compensating from being out of alignment.
@Danielle...so glad to hear you are going! And that you were able to catch your daughter's misalignment. Good job, Mama!
@Hana K. I agree, it is worth every penny. Although, I still try to get monthly massages or pedicures, staying relaxed is super important too.
I completely agree, I don't know or understand completely everything you explained, buyer have been taking our daughters to the chiro for the last 6 months or so. When my 5 month old was born in March our Dr. Stopped by the hospital that day on his way to dinner with his wife, which was amazing. He also gave me a book. How to raise a healthy child...in spite of your dr. By robert mendelsohn. Very informative.
ReplyDeleteFound your blog by following you on Pinterest. What a wonderful place. ;)
i have only been to a chiropractor once and have never taken my children. i must admit, though, you've got my attention. are there any resources you know of to make sure you go to a good one? how often should you go?
ReplyDelete@Jess..that is awesome you take your daughters to the chiropractor! I have heard good things about that book, but never read it. So glad you found me!
ReplyDelete@Elisabeth...glad I got your attention! I hope I got others to think twice about it too. I didn't find too much information online, but I would recommend getting recommendations from other mothers. And I would stay away from a chiropractor under the age of 35. You want somebody with experience! I take Penelope every 6 months, unless something happens like the tumble on the playground. I try to go myself about once a month.
My 3 kids went to the chiropractor when they were just a couple of months old. Though they were never diagnosed, from what I have heard from friends, it sounded like they had a form of torticollis, maybe just not as bad as some babies. My older one got stuck during birth and I ended up with a c-section, and my second pregnancy was twins. They definitely needed adjustment and probably should go soon as should I.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this, I couldn't agree more, and have got to plug Dr. Lowery, located on Mahan. He's a huge advocate of getting the little ones adjusted - and very informed / passionate. Great resource. I have been going to him for over two years now, and have nothing but praise for his level of care and knowledge. Very personable.
ReplyDeleteLoved this post! It's unfortunate that more moms don't know the effects of subluxation on our bodies. Otherwise, we'd all have a chiropractor at our babies births. Like we did! Of course that's because my husband is a chiro. and I'll be one as well in about a year.
ReplyDeleteOur daughter has been adjusted since birth and has never had a hint of a health problem.
As far as finding a good chiropractor, remember that it's not just the number of years the person has been practicing, it's more about how many adjustments they've done. A busy office is a good office! After all, nobody wants to see a 55 yo surgeon that's only performed surgery twice. Think this way when finding a good chiropractor!
As far as frequency goes, let your chiropractor give their recommendation.
Hope this helps some of you! I feel so blessed to have chiropractic for my daughter (and myself) so I want to spread that.
As a side note, I'll be adjusting the babies and pregnant ladies in our office, so I'm so excited to see a post like this!
That is so cool Loretta, thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI have been bringing my ten month old to the chiropractor for the last four months and I have noticed a difference! He had 5 ear infections by six months but since adjustment he has been really healthy.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to a long relationship with my chiropractor and recommend it to everyone. Mine has also recommended several homeopathic remedies for my pain, from an injury, and for my son and teething, etc.
Grapeseed extract for teething!