Last weekend, while in Savannah, GA visiting a dear from high school, we went to the farmers market.
I am in love with Savannah, regardless, but I was super impressed with their farmers market. It had lots of vendors and plenty of consumers. It is in a beautiful location, Forsyth Park.
We got there about 10:30a and it was bustling! They had some really cool things for sale, like fresh watermelon juice, homemade ice cream and homemade popiscles. Peter, my husband, could not resist the popsicles.
They had a table of pastured farmer eggs. Dozens and dozens of eggs, stacked up for all to see and buy. I haven't looked into yet, but based on the display, I am sure the laws are different in Georgia.
The farmers market is under all these magnificent Live Oaks. I live in Tallahassee, Fl with plenty of Live Oaks of our own. But their beauty never ceases to amaze me. They are amazing trees.
At the other end of the park, is a big Confederate monument, a water fountain, an outdoor concert area and then a playground for the kiddos. Penelope loved the playground.
Here is a picture of my friend's daughter, Brielynd. This picture a little teaser to an upcoming tutorial. Are they not the cutest things you have ever seen in your life? They strolled hand and hand for awhile and I took like 50 million, bajillion pictures of it.
Then we stopped at a cool natural foods store, very similar to my local shop, New Leaf Market. They had a really great selection of products, but it was in a very tight space. They even had raw milk for sale. I am pretty sure I convinced my friend to switch her family to raw milk, so that was pretty exciting. I love converting people to traditional foods, it's kind of becoming a little hobby of mine.
I got a fried cheese and avocado sandwich while I was there too... OMG, it was amazing. I would have taken a picture, but I inhaled it.
At the top of the isles in the natural food store, where these cardboard pieces of art. Savannah is such a hip, artsy little city.
Have you ever been to the Savannah Farmer's Market? What is the farmer's market like in your town?

This makes me miss Savannah so much! I loved taking my boys to the market and wandering around downtown. We live in Germany now, but hopefully we can go back :)