We have been doing Elimination Communication, part time, since Penelope was 6 months old. I was very chilax about that too. I was perfectly happy to do it part time and not worry about being successful about it.
Since we have been doing EC, the potty has had a presence for a long time. The potty ain't no big thing to her. She is not scared of it, or enthralled with it. It is just there.
For the longest time, Penelope stopped going tee-tee or poo on the toilet. She refused. She would go next to the potty, or near the potty, or in the bathroom, but on the floor.
Again, I just let it go. And I put no pressure on her. I would say very simply and even mannered, "let's go tee-tee on the potty next time so I don't have to clean up a mess."
When she tells me she is about to go, I always asked if she wanted to go on the potty. When she would say no, I would move on, and not give it another thought.
A couple of months ago, I bought her some big girl panties. I was at the mall with my parents and Penelope spied these panties in Macy's and freaked out.
So I thought, what the hey, lets buy them and see what happens. Ava, one of the girls I was a nanny to, up and potty trained in pretty much one day. One day she woke up and she refused to wear diapers, because she wanted to wear princess panties so bad.
I thought that getting Penelope to wear them around the house, when she normally is just buck naked, might be a good idea and that the feeling of wetness, might motivate her to go on the potty.
About a month after I bought the panties, she started saying yes, she wanted to go on the potty. But only for poop. Not sure what that is about, but I will take it. She is now back to her EC baby days, of doing all her poos on the potty.
I am no expert in potty training, but I know I don't want to bribe her with M&M's. I do give her lots and lots of praise when she goes on the potty. I can't help it. I am still not sold on the praise is bad theory either. We sing and dance a potty song and she looooves it.
So we will see how it goes, let her lead the way.
And now the most important part of the post... cute pictures of my daughter's butt! Hopefully she won't be mad at me when she is in her twenties.
Princess panties while helping redecorate her playroom!
This might be one of my favorite baby pics of her. She was the fattest, cutest baby.
Ok, maybe this one is. I could eat those thighs!!

Those rolls are priceless!!!
I just read the link to the "bribe her with M&M's" and totally went off on a tangent reading about the UC book and all the dialogue you had on that topic. WOW. I noticed I do allot of things that are totally talked about in that UC book now. I also found that I do allot or say allot of things that are consistent with the UC book too at times, I guess I just need to be more conscious and do that more often!
ReplyDeleteIt made me feel good that I am doing a little bit of both to be 100% honest. I mean I haven't read the UC book yet, just all the dialogue you had with the other lady and her blog but I think being human is normal! hahaha! We can't all be perfect and do things textbook but just that we are interested and trying to do what is best for our little ones is the most important aspect of all this.
When it comes to potty training which was what your post was all about...We are trying with our son Eli (he is 2 years 2 months now) he shows a ton of interest and all the right signs but is not quite there yet. We have not used rewards for the potty at all so far and I really didn't plan on it to be honest. I guess if we were desperate we would get there but it is still early for that kind of action. We just stay on top of taking him seriously when he wants to sit on the potty and do his thing, if he goes even a little we are happy, it is a complete disruption to my morning trying to get out the door solo with both boys since my husband leaves so early but I do not rush him and I remain positive about all his potty trips. God I hope soon it will all come together and be done with diapers. 2 kiddies in diapers is just too much work if you ask me! hahaha...but until then we just keep trucking!
We are in the throws of full on potty training with our 2.5 year old son. We try to do a lot of positive reinforcement whether its through stickers, homemade fruit smoothies, or just praise praise praise! He hasn't gone poop on the potty yet he really is fearing that for some reason but we just keep putting him on the potty every 30 mins and now he is even telling us he wants to go potty and does everything himself. Takes his pants and diaper off so something is working! Next week we are getting big boy underwear and hoping that helps motivate him!
ReplyDeleteLOVE those thighs!!!
ReplyDeleteI have been extremely LAX when it comes to potty training. We tried hardcore for about 3 hours...panties, taking her potty every hour or so. And every time she would pee in her panties RIGHT after I had put her on the potty...so I decided not to push again. I ask her all the time if she wants to sit on the potty. Sometimes she does; sometimes she doesn't. She'll be 3 in February and I'm okay if she's not trained by then. I just can't make myself push her and I'm a believer in "when they're ready, they're READY." I'm hoping once she's closer to three or a little over three that she'll be more interested in panties and "being a big girl" and going on the potty! For now, she'll sit there but won't do anything, but I always praise her for sitting there.
ReplyDeleteIF you were consistant in the beggining you would have had more success. Also, I would be careful putting nude photos of your daughter on the web. You never know who could be looking at her.
ReplyDelete@Alicia...I agree, when they are ready, they are READY!
ReplyDelete@Anonymous...Yeah, I think that too. If I had put more effort into EC, I am sure she would have been potty trained for months now. But with exclusive pumping and her waking up so much at night the first two years, I was doing good to do what I could. I am happy with how things have gone for us, there are so many benefits to EC even if doesn't potty train them perfectly. And yes, that is something to think about too, but I am just gonna focus on the positive and pray that we stay protected.