I have wanted to write more in depth about energy healing for a long time now, but didn't really know where to start or how to articulate my thoughts. I still don't really know where I want to go with it, but I just really feel the need to write about it.
This blog is a creative outlet for me and I want to write about what I am doing in the moment. And lately, I have been going to lots of different energy healing and alternative therapy appointments, as I get over the stress of the last couple of months and try to restore my mind and body from the last three years of being pregnant and taking care of a baby, before possible baby number two comes.
I have also always been very nervous about telling people, that not only do I go see energy healers, I am an energy healer. I guess after I told the world I ate my placenta, telling the world about my energy healing background didn't seem so crazy. But I realize it does still sound crazy to a lot of people, or even like one of my best friends told me, oh so politely, that it was a little too far out of her comfort zone.
In the future, I would like branch out from my natural remedies posts, and write about anything and everything in the energy healing/alternative therapy world, including things like acupuncture, (which technically is a type of energy healing).
I want to share all the these I have learned over the last ten years of working with healers and the things I continue to learn. Energy healing and alternative therapies have changed my life for the better and I would love for others to take see and feel the transformative effects it can have in your life.
Energy healing is crazy hard to explain. But basically, everything is energy. Your body, the trees, water, etc. It is all made up of energy. Each of us have a physical body and energetic body. Some people call your energetic body, your aura, but that is not entirely correct, I will go into more detail about that later.
The energetic body effects everything. If there is a disturbance in your energy field, it will manifest in your mental, emotional, or physical body. So to heal most anything, you need to heal the energetic body. And if you only heal something on one level, the physical or emotional, but don't pay attention to the energetic level, it will come back into your life (possibility in different forms) until you deal with it, really deal with it.
You don't have to do one or the other. For example, if you are taking migraine medicine, or getting chemo, you would do it in conjunction with your alternative therapies, like energy healing.
In the case of a headache, energy healers deals with the pain of the headache, but also the real cause of the pain. And the real cause could be all sorts of things. It could be residual angry energy left over from a fight with your husband, or could a symptom of something traumatic happening from your childhood, or even somebody attacking you energetically. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. People can actually, purposefully, hurt you energetically, so you have to protect yourself, again that is a post in itself, for later.
Reiki is one the most common type of energy healing. It is an ancient form on hands on healing. A person who does Reiki healing goes through trainings and attunements to create the healer within, to learn how to open their energy field to the Universal/God energy. Then the healer acts as a vessel for the Universal/God energy to flow through them to the patient.
I am a Reiki Master. What that means, is that for over a year, I did trainings that built on one another. So first I was certified Reiki I Practioner, then a Reiki II and lastly I became a certified at the Master level. I have done energy healing off and on over the last 10 years, mostly with friends/massage clients who were open to it or really needed it, but I have never had a full on energy healing practice. Although, one day, I would love if I did. My main motivation was to have this skill for myself and my family.
I started going to an energy healer when I was 18. I went with intention of healing trauma from my childhood and teenage years. Pretty much from 18 to 22, I was on a mission to get myself ready to be married and have a baby. And for me, that meant doing a lot of hard work to heal old wounds.
Over the years I would go whenever anything came up tough in my life. I have also always gone to traditional talk therapy and done various alternative modalities (like chiropractic and massage). I have always combined different therapies/modalities to keep everything in balance on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Energy healing combines and enhances all other type of healing work.
If you would like the contact information of the women I have worked with over the past 10 years, please email me. They all do phone sessions.
So what do you think? That I am nuts? :)
Have you ever been to an energy healer? What kind did you go to?

I do not think you are crazy at all! In fact, I was hoping that you would write about energy healing because I was wanting to learn more. I never knew much about holistic healing growing up, but when I moved out at 18 I was open and eager to learning more. Before I moved back in with my parents I used to go to yoga and tai chi classes weekly, it is harder to do though now that I am a single mom (not to mention a student with no job!) I have been wanting to heal myself emotionally and energetically through a chiropractor, acupuncture, but now I am also very interested in Energy Healing.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I can learn so much from you! I love your blog!
I think that you are amazing - and this is my new favorite blog! I love how you broke down the different techniques in layman's terms.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever done grounding therapy where you put your bare feet on the earth for 15 minutes every day?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing! I definitely believe in energy healing and have been to a reiki master myself. It was super helpful! Good for you!!
ReplyDeleteyou're totally not nuts...
ReplyDeletei am so interested in this stuff, too...
love this post!
I think you sound relatively sane :)
I just started recently getting into this. I recently went to a guided meditaion session. And had the best night of sleep ever! I'm also going to a expo this month. This all sounds very interesting. Keep it coming!
ReplyDeleteThanks for 'putting it out there'. You are so not crazy. OK - I didn't eat my children's (well my) placentas - but one sat in the freezer as i wanted to bury it and mummy brain forgot about it LOL! (interesting look on hubby's face when he opened the icecream container!).
ReplyDeleteWe are slowly learning about methods our ancestors were in touch with as we reignite our links with the planet. It's all great stuff - you help to make the world a beautiful place and the natural world a little less scary :)
Have been using energy to heal with since I was ten years old. It was a natural thing for me and my mother wisely told me not to share it with anyone and that it was a gift from God. I am 50 now and use primarily white light as God heals through me--I am just the vessel. At my best, I was able to work with two of three burns and the two I worked with on a friend who were the most severe did not scar but the one we overlooked and I did not work on, did. This is the first time I have said this in public anywhere. Also worked on a colleague who is a Reikki Master (now a retired HS teacher) and she knew post surgery I was in the room healing her (she was on the same wing as my dad during his last week on this plane). She got the all clear and walked up to me and said she knew God had worked through me. Things like that blow me away. I do not let people know I do this and even some family scoffs at it, but I love it and feel so much closer to God because of it. I am hoping when I retire that I can go into energy work with hospice.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear, ya'll don't think I am crazy! Look forward to sharing more info with you in the future. :)
ReplyDeleteI loved it! I love your alternative therapy posts - chiropractic, massage, natural eating, etc. I love the way you integrate those with everyday fun posts ("I love chalkboard paint!") It's human and its fun. I love it.
ReplyDeleteI have used energy healing to help me over my birth trauma. I now also help friends release trapped emotions.
ReplyDeleteI think you explained it really well. I have seen a lot of blessings in my and others lives through energy healing.
A great explanation of Energy Healing is a book The Emotion Code.
@Enjoy Birth...that is awesome! I would love to talk to you more about your experience. I couldn't find your email on your site. Will you email me at mamaandbabylove@gmail.com? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog. Finally started baby yoga inspired by your posts and was thrilled when my son began doing Down Dog & Rolio on his own! My son (17 months) was born just after my 42 birthday - I spent several years healing my body (gluten dairy and other food allergies) via acupuncture, TCM herbs, dietary, reiki, EFT (emotional freedom technique, etc). I would have loved to have had my son younger than 42 but I am happy knowing that I have so many energy tools to share / teach him as he grows that he can use throughout life (especially EFT which is truly a blessing!).
ReplyDeleteThat is so awesome, Tara! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI had a feeling you were into energy work. I am a massage therapist myself and I agree there is so much healing that can take place when you incorporate energy work.
ReplyDeleteI personally have gone to a Reki Master, Foot Zoner (reflexology), and Acupuncturist who also does a lot of other eastern treatments. So far I have found them all beneficial in their own ways.
Thank you for sharing your experiences, I'd love to hear more.
Wow... I found your site from a blog I follow and have followed for years. Cheeseslave. She ROCKS. Anyway, I cannot STOP myself from reading your posts. I, too, lost the breastfeeding battle... It hurled me into PPD, etc. My son will be 4 next month, and from Cheeseslave, I found raw milk, Weston Price, etc. I also am getting certified in Reiki and respect energy healing immensely. NAET/Accupressure has been healing my son and myself for years. So amazing to find someone with SO MANY similiar experienced coupled with many similiar interests... I am now a follower! : )
@Kam...that is AWESOME!!
ReplyDelete@Kim...So sorry to hear that, but so great to hear that you are such a wonderful path, kudos to you!!