Great little post about exactly what Attachment Parenting is.
Interesting article about giving up grains completely. Someone posted it to my Facebook page, after I posted my article about inflammation. Currently, I buy sprouted bread, tortilla's and pasta and make my own tortilla chips, but I still eat non-sprouted grains sometimes and need to get much better about being more strict about that. I try not to give any grains to Penelope at all, but its really hard and she gets pieces here and there. Eventually, I would even like to cut down my grain consumption even more. I kind of have a sneaking feeling that my grain intake (and/or sugar intake) is causing inflammation in Penelope (via my breast milk) and may be the cause of her eczema.
Oh, FDA when will you learn? Here they are confiscating some raw milk from a farmer up north. The video does not have a lot of information, but the blog posts surrounding the video do, so be sure to check them out.
I found a fantastic breastfeeding website this week. It is for women who have had SEVERE breastfeeding difficulties. It is for information and support. Women who can't breastfeed, often suffer from post partum depression and mourn the loss of the breastfeeding relationship as if a death occurred.
If you haven't already, come "like" Mama and Baby Love's Facebook page. I post these links throughout the week and there is usually some great conversation going on about each one.
Happy Sunday!
For more Sunday Surfing, visit Gems of Delight, Enjoy Birth, Breastfeeding Moms Unite, Domesticated Women, This Adventure Life, Maman A Droit, Hobo Mama and Baby Dust Diaries.
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