My knock out roses have been hard at work this month. They just recently finished their beautiful show. But I love my back yard, when one plant is finished is onto the next one. Their is always something beuatiful going off. My Conferdate Jasimne is at its peak right now.
So on this Earth Day, I am trying to stop and give thanks for the amazing the bounty of the Earth.
We have about 7 bushes that are about 5 feet tall. When we planted them a few years ago, they were so tiny, but they have done so well in their sunny spot. I can see them straight out my kitchen window and its wonderful.
And oh, my sweet little Penelope is very into flowers these days too. She loves to rip them off the plant and give them to me or her Papa. We are working on "looking with our eyes" or "smelling" or "touching gently".
Happy Earth Day to you! And Happy early Easter!

SO beautiful roses these are. I like it so much. These kinds of wonderful flowers are adds more beauty in nature.