The other week when we went to the beach, we did a little yoga. Miss Penelope and I love to do yoga outside spontaneously. Yoga has so many benefits, but one of the reasons I love sharing it with Penelope is that it is a form of play. And playing with your child is so important. It shows them that they are important for one. But it is also a way to work through any tension or stress from the day and reconnect.
Star pose is one of her favorites right now. Especially, since she has been working on standing with her feet together and jumping in dance class.
For this pose, they start in mountain pose, with their feet as close together as possible and their hands in prayer position in front of their hearts. Then they do an explosive jump and jump their feet into a wide angle and their arms out by their sides.
When you do it, to show them how, be very expressive, excited and always look them in the eye. I am not sure why looking them in the eye helps them learn, but it does. Say, Star Pose! As you jump into the pose and then wiggle your fingers as you say Twinkle! Twinkle!
Another variation is to move one hand up and one hand down, alternatively, as you rock from one foot to the other, all the while singing Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star, or the Itsy Bitsy Yoga version of it.
For babies or toddlers, you sit them in your lap or lay them on the floor on their backs and move their arms for them as you sing the song.
You can see a full list of all my yoga tutorials here.
What is your little one's favorite yoga pose right now?
You can find this yoga pose and more in the awesome book by Helen Garabedian.

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