I swore up and down that I would not start Penelope in dance so young. I started dance class at the exact age she is now, and I thought it wasn't the best idea. I was burnt out on dance by the time I got to high school and was distracted from my training with cheer leading and hanging out with friends.
But I guess there are some things you just can't change and are bound to do, exactly the same way you were raised. And so, dance classes have begun for Miss P.
She LOVES it! It was worth the mental anguish deciding whether to sign her up or not. I also really like the teacher. She does yoga like stretches in the beginning and ends with story time, just like in a Tyke yoga class.
Penelope is learning so much each week. Learning her right from her left side of her body, (which is one of the things that help with early reading), to wait for her turn, to listen to directions, etc. So even if she decides she doensn't want to do dance class in a few years, what she is learning in these first early years will benefit her, her whole life. Body coordination, balance, rhythm, these are all things are going to help later in learning.
For more simple ideas on how to use play as a learning experience for your little one, check out this book I love:

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I think that's awesome, Stephanie!! Such valuable information! I started dance at 3 and took several years. For many years I kept the posture, poise and so much more from those classes. My best friends mom always teased me that I was the most graceful girl doing hurdles at the track meets.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Penelope is enjoying herself!!
Your daughter is absolutely adorable in that picture! And I think if I had a little girl I would not be able to resist dance lessons or gymnastics myself! I did gymnastics and my sister did dance and we learned so much from it, I think it is great, you have to have balance in life and it sounds like you know a healthy dose of it so she won't burn out :)
ReplyDeleteYeah for dance class :) I started when I was 6, and loved it always and still do! Claire was 2 1/2 when she started ballet, and I think it was a little too much for her, and she has been begging to go back for a year now. P looks adorable :)
ReplyDeleteMy little girl is 15 months and I am so overwhelmed by coming up with activities! She loves coloring (although it's more about putting the crayons in and taking out of the box), painting, playdough, and reading. She also has little people toys, weebles, Lego blocks that she enjoys. I feel like I never stimulate her brain enough, though. Any suggestions? Thanks for the book recommendation. That is in my amazon cart! :)