My new recipes are finally here! It has been such a joy having an increase in readership these last couple of weeks and meeting all you wonderful new readers that found me because of my original post on slow cooker freezer meals. I love that you all have stuck around and started to read my posts on other topics.
Last week, I put together three new recipes and I think you will really like them. Before I give you the recipes I wanted to take a moment to address some of the questions that you had about the other recipes.
- Several people had concerns about mixing raw meat and the veggies in one bag. I am no expert, but I think because you are putting the ingredients in the bag and immediately putting it in the freezer and then the day you cook it, straight from freezer to slow cooker, that it is not a problem. I prep all my veggies the night before and make labels. Then the day of, I assemble all my dry ingredients into sections, then put all veggies, sauces, dry ingredients into the bags. The very last thing I do is put the meat in. So there is very little time that the meat is out, before I put it in the freezer.
- Texture. Several people said the texture was soupy. Pretty much all my recipes are a form of a stew. I always serve my recipes with rice or cous-cous, or make a sandwich with it (usually for lunch). I like it that way, but I realize that is not for everyone.
- Adding in last minute ingredients. If a recipe calls for broth, I add it the day of and do not put it in the bag with the other ingredients. I will do a better job of describing which items go in the bag to freeze and what items you toss in the day of cooking.
- Doubling. The recipes below have already been doubled, but if you have a large family, you might want to double them again. Each recipe below, yields me two bags of food. So if it says 2 cans of pitted cherries, that would be one can per bag. Each bag, usually yields us two dinners and a lunch. We are a small family of two adults and one toddler.
- I use gallon size bags. I hand write a label with name of recipe, date I freeze it and any thing I need to add the day of like, broth. Then I double bag it. I am working on getting some super cute labels made so you can print out your own labels (my gift to you!) to go along with each recipe, so stay tuned for those!
After I assemble the ingredients, I lay the bags flat and get all the air out. As I am getting the air out, I mix everything up in the bag, so all the veggies and meat are coated in the sauce/spice mix. Then I place them in my freezer flat, so they freeze like bricks, just like I do with breast milk storage bags.
So, without further adieu, the September Mama and Baby Love Slow Cooker Freezer Recipes!! And remember, if you sign up for my newsletter, you will get a sneak peak of recipes before anyone else does.
Chicken n' Cherries
5 pounds of chicken breast ( I used chicken strips, it saved me time on cutting up the breasts)
2 cans of pitted cherries (glass jars are better, even organic cans have BPA in them)
Chili Sauce ( I used a couple of tablespoons in each bag, because the sauce I bought was super spicy, so add as much or as little as you want in accordance with your families taste)
1/4 cup brown sugar
Assemble all ingredients into freezer bags. Place in freezer. Day of cooking, place in slow cooker. Cook on low for 8 hours or on high for 4. You can shred chicken if you want, or leave in chunks. Serve with rice or cous-cous or make sandwiches.
French Beef Dip
5 pounds of rump roast or bottom round beef (cut into smaller sections, not tiny, just enough to fit into the bag, you can cut them up more after they are cooked)
4 packages of portobello mushrooms, leave them whole.
2 14 ounces of beef broth (add day of)
2 onions chopped
Assemble all ingredients(except broth) into freezer bags. Place in freezer. Day of cooking, place in slow cooker and add broth. Cook on low for 8 hours or on high for 4. You can shred chicken if you want, or leave in chunks. Serve with rice or cous-cous or make sandwiches. This recipe makes extra liquid, for dipping if you make sandwiches.
Orange-Beef Stew
4-5 pounds of flank steak (cut into smaller sections, not tiny, just enough to fit into the bag, you can cut them up more after they are cooked)
2 cups orange juice
2 tablespoons of cornstarch
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 tablespoons of minced garlic
8 green onions chopped
Add day of cooking:
2 packages of frozen spinach
1 8 ounce can of water chesnuts
2 teaspoons of beef bouillion
Assemble all ingredients (except spinach, water chesnuts and beef bouillion) into freezer bags. Place in freezer. Day of cooking, place in slow cooker and add spinach, water chesnuts and beef bouillion. Cook on low for 8 hours or on high for 4. Serve with rice or cous-cous or make sandwiches.
So there you have it. I love all the feedback from the other recipes, so please tell me if you have any ideas and how you like the flavor when you make it.

BTW - I just read your breastmilk storage blog entry and to be honest I feel like everyone knows their child best and what is good for themselves. I couldn't stand when I would get critizied or questioned for keeping a bottle of breastmilk when it was unfinished. Um's pretty much the closest to liquid gold people!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the recipes too!
Don't forget you can also put broths into ice cube trays to freeze and then take out to store in freezer bags. It would be pretty easy to toss in a couple cubes with each bag to melt in the pot.
ReplyDeleteRYN: Oh roux--they are definitely tricky to do. I stirred it constantly and it was so perfect. I just don't know when I incorporate it into the gumbo it does this weird coagulation mess and looks funny and clumpy. I am on vacation from work next week and my daddy has promised to show me how to cook the roux! Once I master it, I might even do a vlog about it to shout out to the world that I have conquered the roux world! Until then, I will rock the Gumbo base in the pouch. :) We can and will do it--one day!
ReplyDeleteLove the Chicken and Cherries recipe that is going on the list for next week's menu!
ReplyDeleteLove the Chicken and Cherries Recipe it's going on next week's menu!
ReplyDeleteHoly Moley! Talk about great timing! I came across your original slow cooker recipes just now- and while wondering if there were any more recipes out there I realized that you posted them today! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteGreat recipes! Thank you!
Thanks for more recipes! I too found your blog through the wonderful world of pintrest ;) I made your BBQ Chicken and Chicken Curry meals this weekend. I love having a stocked fridge! Question about the curry one, it called for a boulion much water do you add the day of cooking?
ReplyDeleteI was thinking a possible solution to the meat issue would be to slice it up (or chunk it or whatever it needs to be) and then freeze it over night in a single layer on a cookie sheet (or jelly roll pan). Then when you are ready to throw it all in the same bag and into the freezer the meat is already frozen. Maybe you'd want to cover it with freezer paper or tin foil when it's on the cookie sheet to avoid freezer burn (it's probably fine since it'd just be overnight)? I've done this before with whole, fresh chicken breasts when it's on sale, in order to make my own bags of boneless/skinless/frozen breasts. Then they don't stick together and you can use them individually. I know people do this with fruit too (I've done strawberries and sliced peaches, etc, and it works great).
ReplyDeleteThis is genius! I'd love for you to share this at my blog party!
ReplyDeleteHope to see you at my place soon!
Kaitlin-The Not So Simple Housewife'
P.S. I'm your newest follower and can't wait to see what you share next
I just made the Chicken Curry, it was awesome! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI'm new to your site (via pinterest) I'm soo excited to try these so I can spend more time w/my boys! Plus it's so difficult to find healthy recipes for the crock pot. A question on the chix & Cherries~ Do you think it would taste ok with some spinach or ither veggie?
Glad you all like! If you make it, tell me what you think!
ReplyDelete@Anonymous...spinach or another veggie would be great! I didn't add any veggies to this recipe, like I normally do, because my daughter is on a huge broccoli kick and she only likes fresh and sautéed with a TON of butter.
If you feel that strongly about the raw meat and veggies together just drop the meat in a small plastic baggie and put that in the gallon bag. Can't wait to try some of these recipes.
ReplyDelete^^^that's exactly what I was thinking and would do. It's an extra plastic bag but not a deal breaker to making these awesome recipes. Also I was thinking of mixing these dry and wet ingredients first and place them in with the meat so they can marinade for a bit until they freeze solid?
ReplyDelete@DW...that is why I like to combine everything in one bag. I don't know how much marinated is going on before it freezes, but I figure it can't hurt. ;)
ReplyDeleteLooking at the "OMG you are putting raw meat and veggies in the same bag" issue ... as a microbiologist I can tell you that as long as you are washing your hands before starting, working on clean surfaces, chopping with clean knives, and not overloading the freezer your risk of food-borne sickness is very tiny.
ReplyDeleteThe reason for being careful with raw meats and meat juice while cooking is that IF that raw chicken has a few salmonella or staph on it, AND IF juice from the chicken contaminates something that will not be cooked or frozen immediately (such as the already cooked potatoes for potato salad), AND IF that food sits for several hours .... THEN the salmonella can multiply into numbers high enough to cause a problem. Or the staphylococcus can produce enough toxin to make you sick.
Your sequence, chopping veggies adding meat, then straight to the freezer is as sanitary as you can get. Pre-freezing the meat adds another step and it's another chance to contaminate something.
I regularly chop meat for a stew, start browning the chunks and keep chopping onions and carrots on the same cutting mat and tossing them in the pot. As long as it's headed for flame or freezer the bacteria will not have a chance to multiply.
There shouldn't be any problem with storing meat inside the bag, because all of the bag's contents will be cooked together to a safe temperature. It's like if you put the raw ingredients in the crockpot in the morning. You wouldn't separate the meat and vegetables for fear of cross-contamination, so no need to do that in the storage, as long as you're keeping the meat in the safe zone during prep.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, your Crock Pot freezer meals are amazing-looking! I recently found your blog through Pinterest and haven't had a chance to try the recipes yet, but I've printed them all and put them in line to try! I have a ten-month old daughter, and she keeps me busy enough that I can't cook a separate meal every night or even every other night...and what happens is I find myself at 4pm wondering what the heck I'll make for dinner. This gives me hope, for sure.
ReplyDeleteAs for the commenters who have issues with raw meat and veggies, I know this has been as close to resolved as you can get, but I have to put in my two cents--it's all going to COOK together, so you don't have to worry about touching. Freezing and cooking are two acceptable ways to put raw meat with other food items. I learned that much in my early pregnancy classes about safe food temperatures. And this is coming from a Class-A germophobe, so worry not!
Thanks for the recepies I made 6 of your crockpot freezer recepies today. It only took me three hours and that includes shopping. Can't wait to cook them. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteIf you're scared of mixing the veggies and meat, just put the veggies into a smaller ziploc baggie and put the smaller baggie into the bigger one where the meat will be. As long as the baggies are sealed properly, the veggies and meat will not be touching.
I am so excited to try your recipies! The healthy mamma BBQ chicken is in the crock pot now :) I'm getting ready to put several others in the freezer, but Im stuck on the Chicken and Cherries. What kind of Cherries do I buy? At my store I have the option of canned cherrie pie filling, glass jar maraschino cherries, and plain frozen ones (none in the organic section). Thanks!
ReplyDeleteLOVE this! Exactly what I have been looking for...all the other cook for a day things I have looked at - actually took all day to cook - NO THANKS! Not only have you given me inspiration to see if I can do this with my own crock pot recipes... you have some great ones that I am looking forward to trying.
ReplyDeleteLast weekend, I did make up about 15 bags of cut up fruit and yogurt to have smoothies all ready to pull out as needed! I also boiled about 6 chicken boneless skinless chicken breasts and thighs and just cubed them up and put into freezer bags in 2 cup increments... so I have those ready to pull out for quick and easy quesadillas, tacos, or casseroles.
Thanks again for the recipes!
I am so excited to try these recipes. I have a question if each recipes yiels 2 dinners and a lunch after you eat the first dinner do you freeze the leftovers or do you eat them with int he week?
ReplyDeleteLove your blog! I don't know if I'll make freezer meals a staple, but I love having them around. I'll definitely be making about six weeks' worth before the baby gets here in May, just to make things easier on us while we're adjusting to her.
ReplyDeleteThanks for such great ideas!