Most parents want the best for their children, but obviously some of us are failing to give them the healthiest possible start. Consider the following statistics:
· Today, about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese. (Source: American Heart Association)
· Approximately 13 million U.S. children and adolescents are obese, with a body mass index at or above the 95th percentile. (Source: Journal of the American Medical Association)
Acquiring basic physical skills such as catching and throwing, jumping, running and balance can positively impact both the mental and physical development of children.
The children of parents who embrace healthy diets and exercise are more likely to be healthy themselves. Sadly, our common modern model of two parents working full time can make following a regular fitness regimen appear to be out of reach. Luckily, it’s not as difficult as it may seem. Read on for some helpful tips to increase your family’s physical activity.
Tips for Getting Your Family Active:
Seek out safe, family-friendly indoor and outdoor play spaces in your home or neighborhood.
Stock up on safe and age-appropriate toys and exercise equipment, such as:
· Soft baseball bats and balls; sponge basketballs and hoops; soccer balls and goals; bikes or tricycles with matching pads and helmets; skipping ropes; bubble solution; paddling pools and lawn sprinklers for outdoor play.
Make fitness a family affair. Turn off the television and go outside before dinner or play music and dance while preparing the meal.
· Set a regular dinner time and take a daily walk after you eat; trade Friday “pizza night” for “softball night”; stroll around your local farmer’s market and enlist the children’s opinions in choosing fresh, seasonal and local produce; take advantage of longer summer evenings for family adventures outdoors.
· Use specific language to praise your children’s attempts and successes. Don’t be afraid to mix it up. If your child genuinely dislikes a certain activity, look for one he or she really enjoys. Taking outings to minor league sporting events can be an inexpensive way to foster a child’s love of regular exercise.
Incorporating exercise into your life doesn’t have to mean adding one more item to an already overstretched to-do list. It takes around 21 days to form a new habit, and people who exercise regularly report feeling more energized than people who do not. Make the time to play with your children and reap the rewards of a healthy and more fulfilling family life.
Submitted by Sarah Morris, on behalf of Primrose preschools- where people have a passion for educating children.

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