Monday, June 29, 2009

Farts and Yoga

Last week was the second week in a row that I actually managed to go to a yoga class. It’s only the third time I have gone this pregnancy. Before you get all up in arms about the yoga teacher not going to yoga class, please know that I have been practicing-just not in a class. The first trimester was so awful, there was no way I could muster the energy to get dressed, drive to a studio and do yoga for more than an hour. So what I did instead, was do yoga every chance I could at home, when I felt ok, and in small increments. I went to a regular yoga class not a prenatal one, because since I closed the studio, no one has started another prenatal yoga class. Journey’s in Yoga is where I go and they have classes for all levels and several gentle yoga classes that are perfect for a pregnant mom trying yoga for the first time. Hopefully she will have an 8 week prenatal class this summer- I will keep you posted on that.

Anyway, so last week was my first full hour class in several months. It was very interesting. Although, I had been practicing at home-I was doing lots of easy stuff, and when I got to class I realized that my belly had actually become inhibiting, even though deep twists are not good to do when you’re pregnant, I could not do one even if I wanted to! I was moving very slowly too, inching my way into each pose. Instead of my normal seamless breath in between each pose, there was lots of heaving and sighing. I can no longer do headstands and arm balances, which is difficult for me, since those poses were favorites of my practice. And poses that were once very pretty: three legged dog; half moon and dancers pose all look, well, tired. It was a great lesson for me to be in the moment. To know that is ok to take a brief moment to mourn the woman I used to be and then totally accept the present moment. And for me the present moment also included lots of gas. Farting has sort of become like breathing for me. Thankfully I am in an office to myself at work and I can just let them rip. At home its no holds barred too, much to Peter’s dismay. But in a quiet yoga class, with people VERY close to you, gas becomes a problem. The poor lady didn’t know what she had coming laying her mat next to mine!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Best Facial Ever!

On Friday I got a facial over at Kanvas. My skin has broken out like crazy from pregnancy. I have gotten several facials from them in the last year, but this was the first time I received one while pregnant. I love, love, love going there and getting facials! I have always been a big supporter of massage therapy, being a massage therapist myself and having grown up getting massages (that’s right, my mother started having a massage therapist come to the house, once a month for the entire family, when I was about 10 years old). I think massage therapy is incredibly important for everyone and even more important when you are pregnant. Every time a mother gets upset or feels stress, so does the baby. Your sweet baby inside gets flooded with flight or flight stress hormones, and it inhibits their ability to grow their organs and other things the best they can. But when you get a massage, facial, practice yoga or whatever your baby gets flooded with peaceful, good hormones that help them take in nutrition and grow.

When I get a facial at Kavas, I actually go into a deeper relaxation than I do during a massage or even in yoga class. I don’t know what it is, whether it’s Lisa and I just feel very safe and or the sound of taken care of or it’s the sound of trickling water, but 5 minutes in, I am totally out. I am in a relaxation zone for the next hour, and my baby girl is blissed out as I am. She massages my face, hands and feet on top of the facial, and just as I was about to warn her to stay away from my ankles (there are reflexology points on the inside and outside of your ankles that can cause miscarriage in early pregnancy or pre-term labor in later pregnancy and in labor if massaged, they can speed up contractions or make them stronger), she told me that she would be giving me a calf massage instead of the normal foot massage. I was relieved and passed back out.
After my facial, I was checking out their products like usual. Don’t tell Peter, but I can’t seem to go in there without buying something. They have several lines of organic products that are fantastic. I was looking at an anti-cellulite cream and asked if the stuff really worked. I am getting cellulite ALL over my thighs, which I never had before. She told me that pregnancy cellulite really can be alleviated. The solution is to exfoliate with any exfoliating type product and massage your thighs in an upward motion towards the highest point of your inner thigh, where you lymph nodes are (they drain excess toxins and water). You can guess what I was doing that night! Hopefully it works!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Big Butt

So, Peter comes up to me the other morning while I am getting ready for work, pats my butt and says “man, your butt is getting big!” I then give him the mother of all death glares and he says “what?? I like it!” I went on to say I don’t give a crap if you love it, do not say anything else like that for the next year, do you understand? I do NOT want your running commentary on how big my boobs, butt and belly are getting. Previously, he had called my new went-up-two-cup-sizes boobs, perfect, porn star boobs. Awesome. Not only do I feel like crap, Peter thinks I look like a porn star. Me and my porn star boobs finally got around to going bra shopping a couple of days ago and what fun that was. I previously thought the bra alphabet stopped at the letter D-boy was I wrong. I ended up going home with the lovely letter E. Before I was pregnant, I dreamed of the big boobs and eating whatever I wanted and how great it would all be. I thought how nice it will be to not care about my weight for once in my life! I have also always thought that every single pregnant woman I have ever seen looks stunningly beautiful. I never used to look at pregnant women and say gee, her butt is huge! So why do I think these things about myself now? Why can’t I see what Peter sees and instead I just feel like a whale? Whatever the reason, I better get over it soon, because I have 24 weeks to go and I have already gained 18 pounds!!