Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday Surf 10.31.10

Happy Halloween!

Here is a link for more information to boycott Hershey.

Along those lines of helping to end forced/abusive child labor in the cocoa industry, start making plans for next year to do Reverse Trick or Treating.

This just cracked me up.  Almost every single one describes me!  I am not trying to be counter culture, but there is just no way around it!  Read it for a good laugh.

After poking around in the above's blog I found this link to the WHO growth charts.  If your baby is exclusively breastfed, they are likely not anywhere near your pediatricians "average" on their growth chart.

Hope you all have a wonderful time trick or treating with your little ones!  I have been dreaming about this day for a looooonnnngggg time! So excited!

For more Sunday Surfing, visit Gems of Delight, Enjoy Birth, Breastfeeding Moms Unite, Domesticated Women, This Adventure Life, Maman A Droit, Hobo Mama and Baby Dust Diaries.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pregancy Belly Memory Lane

Come join me on a trip down memory lane! Inspired by this post last week.
This is a picture of me at my baby shower/blessing way. I am holding a sound machine that the hostesses gave me, what a life saver that thing is!  We still use it every night.  Here is an old post I wrote about that day. I am so happy it had a small blessing way component to it, it made it so special. 
This is a picture Peter took after we had taken our pregnancy portraits. I love this picture! Actually, I love all my pregnancy pictures. Even though I gained nearly 75 pounds while pregnant, I never felt more beautiful in my whole life.
This is a picture of me the day we went hiking in Torreya National Park. It is the most beautiful place this time of year, which reminds me, we should try and do that again soon with Penelope! I am standing in front of the camping spot where Peter first told me he loved me almost 8 years ago!  This picture makes me want to be pregnant again, just so I can rub my belly.  I swear, I had my hand on my belly for the entire 10 months.
And finally, my Halloween costume last year! So fun! My friend Molly did me the honor of painting my belly. The best comment of the night, was from a little girl, about 2 or 3, who came up to me, patted my belly, and said "WHAT is IN there?!?"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Baby Yoga: Tiny Tugs!

Oh, God, this picture makes me want my hair back. My pre-pregnancy, pre-post partum falling-out-like-I-was-a-cancer-patient hair. Hair that I had time to blow dry. I want that hair back. Ah, memories.

This is a picture of Ava Grace Lake, one of the girls I was a nanny to, when she was about 4 months old. Speaking of memories, it feels like just yesterday that she was a baby! Now she is a 5 year old, with beautiful brown eyes and the most gorgeous brown curly hair. I still can not wrap my head around the fact that babies actually grow up and turn into little kids. So weird. I am very curious about what Penelope will be like when she is 5 or 25 for that matter.

But I digress, on to Tiny Tugs!

Lay babies on their back. They can be on the floor or on your lap facing you. If they are on the floor, you can have your legs like mine in the picture and do a little stretch for yourself as you lean forward to put them into the pose. If they are on your lap, sit with your back against a wall for support and bend your knees up so they can see your face good.

You gently hold one leg and the opposite arm. Then you extend their arm and leg out. Try and get their arm to touch the floor and pull their leg out straight to give their shoulder and hip a good stretch. Then let their arm and leg relax by bringing the arm down and putting a little bend in their knee.

While you are extending their arm and leg you sing/say "Tiny Tugs!" Give them lots of eye contact, smiles and encouragement!

Just FYI, most of the baby yoga poses I post, I learned at my Itsy Bitsy Yoga training. The founder and creator, Helen Garabedian, has a great book and dvds that you can purchase to help your home practice. Or you can go to her website and try and find a class near you!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hyland's Teething Tablets ARE SAFE!!

I just got off the phone with Andrea at Hyland's.  I called because I wanted to get information straight from the horses mouth about what is going on and pass my info along to all you Mama's.

I am so sick of the FDA, but that could be an entire blog post in itself.

Moral of the story, this recall is VOLUNTARY.  The FDA is doing an investigation, but there have been no reports of any harm from any baby taking Hyland's teething tablets.  The company 100% stands by their product and assured me that they are 100% safe.  I told her I had two bottles on hand and went out and bought three more this morning, she assured me they were perfectly safe.

She also let me know that they will not be restocking them till early NEXT SUMMER.  The company is taking this opportunity to design a new bottle that is more child proof.  Which leads me to believe that the issue is not with the product but the BOTTLE it is housed in.  And I can tell you from experience, Penelope can get that cap off in about 1.5 seconds flat.  When she was younger it was a great little play toy to shake, if I was in a pinch and didn't have any toys around.  But now that she is older and can take the cap off, I don't let her play with it.

For more information, check out Hyland's Informational page about the recall.

That's all for now, I will post more later, but I am going to run to CVS and Publix and buy what is left in stock if I can!!

DISCLAIMER: I am not urging anyone to still use the tablets. I am merely relaying the information I got on the phone and sharing my personal experience, everyone needs to make their own call about what is right for them

10.26.10 UPDATE:

This morning I came across this article that explains very well why I don't trust the FDA.  They are in bed with Big Pharma, Big Time.  It's a must read!

Here is a bit from the article:

"The FDA's first method is intimidation. In the case of Hyland's Teething Tablets, they simply issue a warning to the public. They claimed that the product contains a "potentially toxic" agent, implied, without evidence, that it has caused harm to children, and claimed that an inspection showed "substandard control of the manufacturing operation", though they don't say what was wrong.
Most companies cannot afford the costs involved in fighting the FDA, so most do what Hyland's has done: They acquiecse. Naturally, they're hoping that will be the end of it—but history has not shown that to be the case. As has been happening to raw milk producers and distributors, once the FDA has you in their sights, your chances of survival are slim.
That, of course, is why the FDA goes after small companies and single products. For the most part, each action manages to slip under the public's radar, and most companies simply don't believe that they could be the next target. As a result, a mass movement against the FDA hasn't started...yet."

Fabric Flower Hair Bow

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I have fabric flowers on my mind from yesterday's Sunday Surf. This is one I made for my friend's daughter to match her pillow case dress I made her for her 1st birthday.

If you recognize the fabric, its from an earlier Recycle, Reuse, Refashion post. I took the shirt I had made for myself (that turned out too small) and made it into a pillow case dress.

I got the inspiration to make a flower like this, from this Etsy shop/blog. She makes brooches and other pieces of art.

I just cut out two different shaped circles and hot glued them together, then covered a button with matching fabric (you can find button cover kits at the fabric store, or you can just use a real button). Then I cut out the little leaf petals from ribbon (the same ribbon I used in the pillow case dress of course) and hot glued them to the back. Then I hot glued the whole thing to a metal hair clip.

The flower fell off after only a little bit of wear, so next time I am going to try and figure out how to attach it to the clip by sewing it.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Surf 10.24.10

A friend sent me this link earlier this week, its a blog post with other links to places to buy non-toxic face paint for Halloween.  It also has a DIY homemade recipe to try as well.

Do you have chemicals in your vagina?  You just might if you use regular tampons.  Check out this link for more.

Here is a page with several different recipes for homemade toilet bowl cleaner.  I used the baking soda and vinegar one.  Well, I am going to use that one, just as soon as I am done pumping!  I will let you know how it turns out later.

I am very into making fabric flowers and I found this gorgeous one, that reminds me of Carrie Bradshaw-season 3.  I am going to try it out using fabric instead of felt.  I wanted to make some sort of accessory for me to match Penelope's 1st birthday party dress that didn't make me look like I was 5. 

This post makes me so happy I could cry.  I am slowly but surely cutting down my carb/grain intake.  I drastically cut out the amout of chips,crackers and bread I eat (as compared to 5 years ago, but I still eat way too much grains).  Chips are weak point for me.  I have come a long way from eating Doritoes for dinner but I still love me some chips and salsa.  I can not freaking wait to try this recipe for homemade corn tortilla chips, fried in lard. Yes, LARD.  And know that it is healthy and good for me!!
I just need to figure out how to render lard first.

And last, but certaintly, not least, my dear friend Teresa, you know, the one who teaches Prenatal Yoga and is a Doula? Well, she is a Jill-of-all-trades and is an AMAZING singer/musician. My family and I saw them last night and they are so good! She just launched her new website and if you sign up for her newsletter to keep posted about gigs, you get access to one of her tracks that she just cut! We heard it last night, trust me you want it!!

Have a great rest of your Sunday!  We are going to try and do our first family bike ride!

For more Sunday Surfing, visit Gems of Delight, Enjoy Birth, Breastfeeding Moms Unite, Domesticated Women, This Adventure Life, Maman A Droit, Hobo Mama and Baby Dust Diaries.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why You Should go to a Prenatal Yoga Class

This is a picture of some of the lovely ladies that were in my Prenatal Yoga class that I took at Journeys in Yoga during my third trimester. I lobbied the owner of Journeys the first two trimesters to bring Prenatal Yoga back, because I was so sick of doing yoga while pregnant next to a man. It just felt wrong! I wanted the same experience I gave women when I was teaching Prenatal Yoga at my studio in Manor @ Midtown! My dear friend, Teresa, was our teacher. She is an amazing yoga teacher! She should be, I taught her! I kid, I kid. But seriously, she is talented and she understands the pregnancy and birth journey very well (she is also a Doula).

I forced everyone to take this picture, because I am picture freak, but now I am so happy I did because I can share it here!

If you are looking for a prenatal yoga class in town there are two. One at Journeys in Yoga one at Namaste. I can't encourage you to go enough! It is vital to your health, but it will also help you have an easier labor, I promise. I can't guarantee your birth outcome, but yoga will help guaranteed.

This is one of the most important things you will learn in prenatal yoga.  The Squat.  As seen here, in early labor.  Just don't look at my huge, swollen feet. I said don't look!

The squat aids in digestion, as all us former preggers and current preggers know, we need all the help we can get to keep things moving along when you have a 9 pound baby in your belly and your intestines are in your rib cage.

It strengthens your pelvic floor muscles, so you you get the most out of each contraction and pushing and then later get things back in place down there more quickly.

It helps get baby in the right position for an easier decent through the birth canal.  And in late pregnancy, it will help press baby's head against your cervix to stimulate labor.

I have so many wonderful memories of going to prenatal yoga and practicing at home.  What are some of your favorite prenatal yoga memories?

Monday, October 18, 2010

This Time Last Year

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This time last year, I looked like this.

My maternity leave had already begun. In fact, I took almost a full month off before Penelope arrived. I was certain that she was going to come before her due date, so I thought I was only taking a week or two, at most, off before she arrived. Looking back, I am thankful beyond words for that month. I was highly impatient, but I still enjoyed the waiting very much. What a gift that time was. If you are pregnant, and can manage to do it, I highly recommend taking off as much time as you can before your baby arrives.

I spent my days sleeping in till whenever I wanted, leisurely having breakfast and then going for a long walk. I would eat again and do some nesting around the house and then take a nap. Eating, nesting, napping, resting, relaxing, walking, that is all I did for an entire month!

Once a week, I went to prenatal yoga and afterward met up with my friends at New Leaf for dinner. I treasure those moments so much.

I rented the entire collection of Mad Men and watched it ALL. Every time I watched an episode I needed to have a glass of milk and some cookies. I ate a lot of cookies and milk (and good stuff too, but man, I really craved milk and cookies!)

I will never again get that time back and I will never again be childless and have all the time in the world to do whatever the hell I want. I guess, except for one day, when I my children are grown and have left my nest.

The countdown to Penelope's 1st Birthday feels very much like the countdown to her arrival. The weather is the same, I feel like nesting, cleaning, creating, and tending to my garden. I feel like slowing down and waiting, trying to soak up these last few weeks of her babyhood. Remembering where I was this time last year. Just yesterday, we went to St. Mark's Wildlife Refuge and saw the butterflies coming in and it seemed like a blink of the eye that we did that very same thing, last year, except Penelope was in my belly still and this year she was carried on the back of her Papa as we hiked around.

I think in honor of her Birthday countdown, in the coming weeks, I will share some more pictures of what I was doing this time last year, so stayed tuned!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Surf 10.17.10

Homegirl at the Healthy Home Economist has blown my mind. Again.
Think raw veggies are best? Think again!

She has one little line about alfalfa sprouts that came as a big surprise to me. She said that they are mildly toxic and an immuno suppressant! Shit! I have been sprouting seeds, including alfalfa, for several months now and I thought I was being such a healthy rock star. Nope! Learn something new everyday.

Did you have a cesarean birth? Have you ever had any procedures done to your cervix before you gave birth? There very well may be a correlation! And better news, an easy way to fix it! Some women who have scar tissue on their cervix have a hard time dilating past 1 to 3 cm and end up having a cesarean for "failure to progress".  Check out this article to learn more.

I forgot to mention this new Tallahassee online resource last week, it's got something for everyone in Tallahassee.  Check it out!

This is a neat article about how cavemen (and cave women) used to parent. Just fyi, it's called Attachment Parenting nowadays!

And lastly, an amazing article about Positive Discipline. I am very new to this and am very excited to learn more.

For more Sunday Surfing, visit Gems of Delight, Enjoy Birth, Breastfeeding Moms Unite, Domesticated Women, This Adventure Life, Maman A Droit, Hobo Mama and Baby Dust Diaries.

Friday, October 15, 2010

This Moment 10.15.10

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I promise I wont post a picture of flowers every week. This is a Hurricane Lily in my yard. I planted them like two or three years ago, but this is the first year it popped up! In honor of Penelope I am sure.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Yoga Wednesday: Bridge Pose!

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This is a picture of some of the little yogis in a past Tot yoga class. Aren't they cutie pies!?

They are all doing Bridge Pose. As this age, it is heavily assisted by parent or caregiver but as they grow and develop, they start to do it on their own. Eventually they will even will grab their ankles with their hands or learn to clasp their hands together underneath their body like the adult version.

All you do is hold their feet steady with one hand, you can also squish their feet inbetween your legs to hold their body steady. Then with the other hand, very slowly and gently lift their pelvis off the floor. Be careful to keep their shoulders on the floor as they practice this pose. And of course, you say, Yay! Bridge Pose! Good job! as they do the pose.

For Mama's, this is a great pose to relax and reduce stress but its also a fantastic workout for your thighs and butt if you really hold the pose a long time. I don't know about you, but my post partum butt can use all the help it can get!

Just FYI, most of the baby yoga poses I post, I learned at my Itsy Bitsy Yoga training.  The founder and creator, Helen Garabedian, has a great book and dvds that you can purchase to help your home practice.  Or you can go to her website and try and find a class near you!

Just FYI, most of the baby yoga poses I post, I learned at my Itsy Bitsy Yoga training. The founder and creator, Helen Garabedian, has a great book and dvds that you can purchase to help your home practice. Or you can go to her website and try and find a class near you!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Cornais Spinach Pie

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The picture does not do this pie justice. It is SO YUMMY! Its so yummy it makes the ridiculous amount of work involved to make the pie worth it.

Part of the reason it is so time consuming is because I used fresh spinach. 5 pounds of fresh spinach. 5 pounds of washing, steaming, draining and choping takes FOREVER.

Next time, I am going to cheat and use organic frozen spinach and see how the taste compares.  I am all about making things from scratch these days, but good God this really did take forever.

Eating this pie brought back so many memories. This is Peter's mother's recipe and she made some for us while she was visiting when Penelope was just born. I ate Spinach Pie for several days after I gave birth. Actually, the first several days all I wanted was steak then after that I ate Spinach Pie.

Spinach is so good for you! Its high in Vitamin K (which is a great to eat more of in late pregnancy and brand new post partum if you are going to skip the Vitamin K baby shot like we did), Vitamin C, Iron (which helps increase your milk supply), and whole bunch of other vitamins and minerals.

This dish is so tasty, my husband, who HATES vegetables, especially green ones, will gobble this up. Penelope gobbles it up too.  It's got bacon and boiled eggs in it for added protein, so it really is a complete meal.

Ok, enough rambling. Here's the recipe.  FYI, I doubled it and made two pies. I cooked one right away and froze the other (just the pie filling in a freezer bag, and it was perfect when I cooked it later).

-5 bags of pre-washed spinach.
-3 boiled eggs.
-1 onion, chopped.
-half a package of bacon.
-2 whole eggs.

Boil the spinach for 10 to 15 minutes and place in a colander after that to cool and drain. When the spinach is cool, use your hands and press all the water out. Then chop and set aside.

In a pan, cook the bacon, when done, saute the onions in the bacon grease. When the onions are done take the pan off the stove and add the spinach, boiled eggs, add about two beaten whole large eggs (save a little bit of that for later) pepper, nutmeg and pour into a frozen pie shell (cover the bottom of the pie shell with some plain bread crumbs, to absorb excess moisture).

Take the second pie shell and cover the first pie, make some little holes with a fork, and if you want use a little bit of the egg you left aside and brush the top of the pie crust with some.

Bake for 30 minutes at 350 or until it's a nice light brown color.

Enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Surf: 10.10.10

Yay! A new tradition on 10.10.10! I just really wanted to write 10.10.10 one more time. My OCDness really loves matchy things all lined up in a row!

This is a timely article I came across earlier this week. My dear friend happened to have a very rough week of her 8 month old biting her while nursing and then going on a nursing strike. This blog post is a great explanation of all the possible reasons a babe would be biting and peaceful ways to resolve the issue.

I had a guest post on Progessive Pioneer this week. If you didn't see it, check it out! She mentioned a link to an website that gives free yoga videos once a week!

And is doing a posts on several types of carriers and how to breastfeed in them in honor of International Babywearing Week.  She featured a picture of me nursing Penelope in our Maya Wrap!

This is a cool recipe I came across at one of the Real Food blogs I love. Its a recipe for a basil and beets salad!

Great post about truly acting with unconditional love in our relationships. Such a good reminder for me to treat Peter with love and kindness even when he is not treating me the same.

Eggs are still in the news big time. Please check out this website for more information about what you can do to keep our food supply safe.
They just launched this Web-based rating tool, you can see which brands of eggs found in your region are produced using the best organic farming practices and ethics. Based on more than a year’s research into the organic egg business, the scorecard rates almost 70 different name-brand eggs and additional private-label products.

And lastly a very cool blog I just came across that is ALL about reusing and refashioning. HEAVEN! I love this one, where she turns a too small dress into a skirt for her little girl. I am so tempted to do this with several of P's dresses, but what if I have another girl??

For more Sunday Surfing, visit Gems of Delight, Enjoy Birth, Breastfeeding Moms Unite, Domesticated Women, This Adventure Life, Maman A Droit, Hobo Mama and Baby Dust Diaries.

Friday, October 8, 2010

This Moment

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by

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I am way to much of a gibber gabber to not say anything about this photo. First off, its not actually from this week. The picture I wanted to post from this week, had not been downloaded yet and I didn't have time to download it on the desktop, before I hunkered down on my mac to pump and I only have a certain amount of time to pump while Miss P naps.

This is a picture from earlier this summer when my summer flowers were in full bloom. Its still timely, because the last of my zinnias (the pink flowers) are blooming now and the plant will be removed this weekend to make room for broccoli. The purple flowers are Butterfly Bush and the yellow are Black Eyed Susan's. All native to this area (NE Fl).  The greenery is some Rosemary.

Its a nice reminder for me to pause and say farewell to Summer gardening and hello to Fall gardening.

Speaking of farewell's. I am going to try something new on Friday's. I will do This Moment's on Friday's, like many of my other favorite blogs do. Sometimes I am too burnt out and tired to even read a post from my favorite blog and to relax. I like to just look at pictures instead, I figured you all might feel the same some times. I also thought it might inspire me to take more artsy-fartsy pictures, and, gasp! even become a better photographer in the process.

I hope you like!

And p.s. I will do links on Sunday now and it will be called Sunday Surf, again, I will be following in the footsteps of some of my favorite blogs.

Ok, so that wasn't brief at all. Maybe next week, This Moment, will truly be a single photo-no words.

Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Babywearing Call to Action!

(this is a picture of Penelope's very first ride in a carrier, 4 days old!)

Usually today is a yoga tutorial post, but there are many pressing things going on this week that need attention.  One is a food policy issue and the other is a babywearing issue.   Please read this post about the babywearing issue and take action.  We need you to spread the word about the recall and call your representatives.

It's bad enough that my friend almost got arrested for wearing her baby in a carrier on a recent Delta flight, but can you imagine life without the right to carry your baby?

It makes me SO FREAKING MAD, that the Consumer Product Safety Commission thinks that the actual slings are the problem. When, hello, people have been wearing their babies since THE BEGINNING OF TIME. 

Please check out this post on the's Facebook page to learn more about what is going on.

      (these are some of my friends, we all like to wear our babies!)

Babywearing is something near and dear to my heart.  Check out my article in the current edition of Rythm of the Home, for more of why I love babywearing.  It's an article about my trip to Morocco and how the Mama's wear their babies in that country.

I have been babywearing for 5 plus years now.  I was Nanny for several years, before I became a mother, to two little girls-sisters. Each were just a few weeks old when I started caring for them, and wearing them.  And now a mother myself, I have an arsenal of slings that get used on a daily basis.

   (family picture after a wonderful walk on the beach together, Penelope is about 6 months here)

These are the slings in my collection.  They all have different uses and purposes.  They are not in any order of favorites, I just typed as the name came to me.

Ella Roo Wrap
Ella Roo Mei Tai
Ella Roo Mei Hip
two Maya Wraps-one with padding and one older style without padding
Hot Sling
New Native Sling
Moby wrap
Petunia Pickle Bottom Sojourn Carrier
Petunia Pickle Bottom TourGuide Carrier
Taylor Made Mesh Sling (for use in the pool or shower, or very hot locals)
Pathfinder Backpack Carrier

and I have an Ergo and a Sakura Bloom Ring Sling on my wish list!

Wearing my daughter is a life savor for so many different reasons.  It enables me to get more things done around the house and helps me have a stronger bond with her.  I can't really explain it, but there is nothing like it in the world, when you have a baby snuggled up on your chest in a wrap or sling.  You feel their heartbeat and know they feel yours.  Walking around with a baby in a carrier gives me and my daughter the deep, eternal feeling that all is right with world because your baby feels unconditionally loved by the action of being held and being worn, as mothers and babies have been doing since the beginning of time.

                                                (even Grandpa's can babywear!)

Here is the original Call to Action.  If you have a blog write a post and link up and then spread the word.  If you dont have a blog, post this link and others on your FB page!

Here is the Code Name: Mama blog post, she has some great links for more information about the CPSC and the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance.

Here is a link to the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance Facebook Page.  Please visit and like their page!

And lastly, if you do what I am asking you to do, let me know in the comment section and it will be an additional entry into the current giveway of the Pentunia Pickle Bottom Sojourn Carrier.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Recycled Crayon Party Favors

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It is full on party count down at my house. Penelope will be ONE on November 11th. INSANE.

I have been practicing baking for months and have slowly started making all the party decorations including these Recycled Crayon Party Favors. I figured I could wait till after her party and do one ginormous birthday blog post or post as I go along.

First, take the paper off all the crayons. This part is a BITCH. Half way through, I started using an utility knife to cut a slit down the crayon and open them that way. Much easier, but still pretty annoying.

Then if you are a bit OCD like me, line them up in a pretty color combination and admire your hard work.

Then break them up into pieces and drop them into your mold. I used a flower shaped cupcake pan that I bought at Pampered Chef party years ago. The crayon does not come out! So whatever you use, you will be regulating the pan's future only to crayon making. There are all kinds of cheap plastic molds you can get at the craft store instead.

I did three color combos; red, oranges and yellows, then blues and greens, and lastly blues and purples.

You bake them in the oven at 275 for about 10 minutes. But just watch them, the second they are all melted take them out to start cooling. The more they melt in the oven, the less the color swirls will be. And do not mix them with a stick while in the oven, it makes the swirls less as well (learned from experience, trust me).

Here is another tutorial on how do this a slightly different way.

It's a great way to make use of  old, broken crayons.  For the sake of full disclosure, I used half old, broken crayons and half new crayons that I scored at Target for $1.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fried Bananas for Babies?


Fried bananas for babies is a great snack for them! And for Mama's for that matter. Penelope used to love bananas and now she is sort of on a hiatus, although she will eat them dried with her dried strawberries that I get from our local Co-op.

First get you some good bacon fat. By good, I mean fat from organic, natural, grass fed, nitrate-free bacon.  Save your dripping in a glass jar the next time you cook bacon and just put it in the fridge. The picture above, is of bacon fat not yet coagulated. It will turn off white and hard in the fridge.

Then put some bacon fat in the frying pan and heat it up.  Then add some banana slices.

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Then flip them over once they start to brown and brown the other side. It only takes a few minutes. Then dry them out on a paper towel and serve to baby! Or eat them up yourself!

Here and here are some articles from the Weston A. Price Foundation website, about feeding babies and toddlers.

And did you know that babies first food should be egg yolk? And that cereal is about the worst possible thing you could give them as a first food? And that they really shouldn't have any grains till age 2?  Check it this blog post to learn more.

This post is in the Monday Mania Carnival at The Healthy Home Economist.  Check out the other links for some great REAL FOOD blog posts.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Link Love 10.1.10

How did it get to be October?!? I feel like it was just August!  But I LOVE this weather!  So happy its Fall!

Enjoy this weeks links and have a great weekend!

Here is great research article about why babies should not sleep alone.  I will be sending this to any extended family, if they ever give us a hard time about us co-sleeping with Penelope.

I came across this website about early infant brain development.  Its a great resource, check it out!

Do you have mercury dental fillings?  Read this article to learn more about why you should have them removed.  If you are pregant and nursing, do NOT get them removed.