Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Link Love 9.3.10

This is a great company that produces toothbrush and other things from recycled plastic.  FYI, if you are local, you can buy the toothbrushes at New Leaf Market.

Fantastic site if you are teaching your child sign language, but need to teach yourself first!  It has video explanations of how to sign the word.

Have you seen the new edition of Rhythm of the Home?  I have an article in it, titled Moroccan Baby Wearing.  Peter and I traveled there in August of 2008, it was such an amazing trip!

Interesting article about the benefits of vernix on a newborn baby.  You are not suppossed to wipe it off!  I am curious to the effects of a waterbirth on the vernix.  We never wiped Penelope off, but she came out so clean because she was born in water!

AMAZING video on YouTube called the Story of Stuff.  I posted this on the Facebook page last week but forgot to include it in the Link Love. So here it is!  It's 20 minutes but totally worth it.  Hope it makes you stop and think.

And lastly, not a link, but a request!  Have you been doing yoga with your baby and toddler?  Send me your pictures!  I would love to share them on the blog and inspire other parents to get started with their home yoga practice.  You can email them to me at Info (at) MamaAndBabyLove (dot) com.  Can't wait to see them!


  1. We do the rolly-o (or whatever it was called) with the Beast. I'll have to try and take a picture of him sometime.

  2. You've been awarded by me!! :) You can check my blog for the details.

  3. I saw your article at Rhythm of the Home. Great piece. My husband is Algerian (neighbor to Morocco and very similiar culture). All of my sisters in law wear their babies...and they use a headscarf! Babies are worn not just in the street, but also in the home. Babyproofing is virtually unheard of--no screens on windows, no plug covers etc.--and women spend the bulk of their days cooking so in order to keep baby and active toddler safe they wear them. This is also why they are on the back, not the front. Mom needs her hands free and baby away from the stove etc.

  4. Hi Marianna! Thanks so much for the information! That is very interesting. I guess they were trying to sell me the right scarf and I just didn't know any better. I really wish I had bought one now!
