Monday, August 17, 2009

Last Night I Dreamt I Gave Birth to a Puppy

I know crazy pregnancy dreams are normal, but its still a little disconcerting when you dream of pushing out a puppy. I have been having very vivid and weird dreams this entire pregnancy, but this was my first full blown birthing dream.
In my dream, I awoke from a very restful night’s sleep, to a strange sensation in between my legs. In my dream, I thought to myself, “hmm, that is odd to have that feeling of pressure when I haven’t felt any contractions.” I wondered to myself, in my dream, what would happen if I pushed a little bit. So I bear down ever so slightly, and low and behold baby girl’s head is crowning! At this point, Peter is up and getting ready for work, so I calmly mention to him that baby’s head is crowing and that maybe he should stop getting ready for work and come over here. He then starts freaking out and pacing back and forth. I don’t wait for him to calm down or come over and I give another little push and out slides baby girl! I scoop her up in my hands and bring her to my chest. I immediately put her to my breast and only then do I notice that her tongue is super long and she is having a hard time latching on. I think to myself, “that’s weird, why is she having trouble latching on?” Then things come into focus and I realize she is having trouble latching on because she is a PUPPY. I am shocked for a moment and then turn to my dog (not Peter) and say “look, we have a puppy, aren’t you excited!?!”
You know how feelings and emotions of your dreams can linger as you are slowing waking up and putting together the pieces of the dream? Well, as I was fully waking up and recounting the dream to myself, what stood out to me was the feeling of total ecstasy when I pushed her out and caught her with my own two hands. Just experiencing the emotions through a dream made me super excited for the real experience. The second thing that stood out, was again, not that I actually birthed a PUPPY, but that I was stressed that it happened too fast and Peter and I had no time together in labor before pushing her out.


  1. Just found your blog from a link to the freezer crockpot recipes, then came across this post. It cracked me up, mostly because I was pregnant at the same time (my son was born 11.26.09) and vividly remember dreaming that I gave birth to a kitten. I was so freaked out because my "baby" kept leaping out of my arms onto the furniture and I couldn't figure out how to nurse the baby cat :-)

    Thanks for the site. I'm enjoying catching up.

  2. That is really funny. Glad I am not the only one dreaming of giving birth to pets. Glad you found me and are having fun reading the archives. It's so nice to know what I write is actually being read by someone!
