Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New Way To Do Resolutions

Woah, this feels kind of weird to be doing a post!  Thanks so much for standing by while I took my little break.  

I had intended for my break to be spent being productive and catching up on other projects. Bwhahahaha.

Then I found out I was pregnant!  And then, shit hit the fan and I thought for sure I was going to miscarry.  Thankfully, I was put on bedrest and that combined with some other alternative healing and lots and lots of prayer from my awesome readers, and I am still pregnant!  Thanks again to everyone who held the space for me and prayed.

So I have gotten nothing done other than grow a baby, which of course is all I care about, but I feel bad for promising guest posts while I was gone and I didn't even have the energy to get them up!  They will be posted in the coming weeks and I will try my best to at least get one post up a week from me.  Thanks for your patience and sticking with me!

Anyways, onward and upward....

New Year's Resolutions.  

I love them.  I usually spend hours upon hours thinking about my goals and dreams for the new year and then I meticulously craft them in written form.  I hang them up where I can see them often.  This year I put them in my craft nook, next to my vision boards.

In year's past, I have done massive lists.  Listing every possible thing I could improve upon or wanted to accomplish.  

Later, I toned it down, and stuck to only a few and really made a big effort to stick to them and integrate them into my life/personality/what have you.

This year, I thought I would try something new.  My OCD brain is constantly looking for order and ways to  organize everything, even my thoughts.

I thought this year I would stick to one resolution, but in five different categories: financial health, physical health, mental health, emotional health and spiritual health.

So without further adieu here are my 2012 resolutions, in my new orderly fashion.  I made a pdf of what I made up, so if you would like to print it and use it, it is all yours!  

Financial Health:  Stick to a budget.  Like for real.  Like really, really.  My husband and I have always been good at making a budget and sorta staying within the parameters, but we are both really good at "but, we REALLY NEED this tactics."  Not this year.  This year it is on like donkey kong.  We want to save up money to buy land to eventually build our dream, eco-friendly house.  We are not messing around anymore.

Physical Health:  Wear Sunscreen.  Every friggin day.  I have lost over 80 pounds in the last 2 years and one down side of all that weight loss is wrinkles.  I have some crow's feet that are no joke.  I am a Florida girl born and raised and that junk is starting to show.  

Spiritual Health:  Go to church every Sunday.  I don't think that skipping church is a sin, like most Catholics, but I do think it is easier to be the person you want to be, if you are doing something on a regular basis to connect to Spirit.  I love going to mass.  I love the ritual and pageantry.  My OCD loves the routine and order, but still it is hard for me to make it.  When Penelope was born it was either nap time or pump time and then later, when scheduling worked out better, she was beyond the quiet babe-in-arms stage and I was not ready to put her in the nursery.  And my husband does not want to go, so he would always tempt me with brunch or hikes or trips to the beach.  Since he works so much, I always wanted to spend family time together when we could.  But he and I talked and I asked for his support and told him this is really important to me, and he agreed to help out.

Emotional Health: Forgive people that have hurt me, especially in the last year.  Holding onto my anger and hurts only hurts me.  The last six months have been a very transformative time in my life.  I had huge shifts between the age 18-20, so maybe they come in 10 year cycles?  Anyway, I have done a lot of work in the area of forgiveness lately, but I want to do more, I want to clear it all.  I want all the hurts surrounding my heart, gone, peeled away, so I am always able to connect to my heart and feel joy.

Mental Health:  Related to my emotional health, I want to take more time before I communicate with people, whether it be friends or family, or readers here on my blog, to make sure I am connected to my heart and clear about if I am coming from whole place or a wounded place.  This is a skill I have honed writing this blog, making sure each post that gets published is clear and from my heart, but I would like to extend it into every single conversation I have.  I want to be more responsive and less reactive.

So there are mine!  What are yours?

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  1. Fabulous idea writing out your New Year's Resolutions and placing them where you will see them everyday. I am so going to do this as well.


  2. Congratulations! So glad to hear everything is okay. I also found out that I'm pregnant over the holidays and am so excited and nervous (this is my first)!
    Happy New Year!

  3. @eidolons...thank you!! hope you are doing great!
    @Jennifer.. glad you like the idea!
    @sk...yay! congratulations!! I am so excited for you! Happy New Year to you!

  4. Congrats on your pregnancy. I have been out of the loop for a while while I met one of last year's goals in December which was to graduate from college. Yea me!! Anyway, I love the way you divided them into categories - great thinking. I too, have slimmed them down over the years and given myself only a few to really focus on. I have already written mine (and hung them next to my desk too). I posted about mine at www.becauseIhadchildren.com. I hope you'll come see. Stacy

  5. I've been sending warm thoughts your way since I heard the news about your pregnancy! What a special time of anticipation for you and your family! (brings back fond not-too-distant memories from my January 2011!)
    Nicole @ www.babyfoodscoops.com

  6. I just found your blog and love it! Do you have any fertility tips or pointers? I have been trying to conceive for almost a year. I had a miscarriage in October 2011. I feel like I am at my wits end planning and charting. Thanks in advance!

  7. those are fantastic goals! I need to get my goal list in order, I have to much I want to do but I want to really focus on what I need to do for a better me in 2012!

  8. I am SOOO sorry to have clicked the button too soon. I want to congratulate you on your pregnancy. I wish you a very healthy pregnancy!!! How exciting for you and your family!

  9. Welcome back and congratulations on the little one!

    I have 20 goals for the new year. I wrote about them on my blog if you're curious, but I won't make this comment a novel. haha!

    Here's to a new year, new goals, and new little ones (for both of us)!


  10. All beautiful resolutions - simple, yet filled with details! Standing with you and praying with you for them!


  11. I found your blog on pintrest and now I am hooked. Congratulations on your pregnancy, be sure to take good care of yourself. I love your template for the resolutions. I am really doing some thinking as to what I would like to accomplish this year. Thanks again, looking forward to more great stuff.

  12. @Stacy..congratulations! I checked out your post today, it was great!
    @Nicole...thanks so much!
    @Anonymous...so sorry to hear about your loss. I have one post about herbs that are good for increasing fertility, I hope to write some more about it in the future, so stay tuned.
    @Krissy...thanks so much! we are very excited.
    @Kristi...thank you! I will go check it out now!
    @Brooke...thanks so much! I can feel it!
    @Cassie..yay! so glad you are here.

  13. Congrats! Found you through Pinterest, and I love your blog!
    To anonymous, I also struggled with infertility and miscarriages. My advice, don't try so hard. I know it's hard to do, but its a lot like nursing. Your body can't function as well under stress!
    Good luck to both of you!
