Friday, December 9, 2011

Back in a Bit

Hello, my lovely readers.  I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season so far!

I am going to take a couple weeks off from blogging here so I can take something off my plate and enjoy the holidays more.  

I also want to spend some time on other computer/writing projects that always seem to get put on the back burner. 

And really enjoyed my week off for Thanksgiving.  I was able to read 5 different books (yes, I read fast and one of them was short) that week!  It made me remember what I used to do before I spent all my free time was reading!

I have some fabulous guest posts lined up and I will probably refurbish some of my old posts since the majority of you all are new!  If you would like to guest post here, please email me at

And I will stay active on Facebook and Pinterest throughout the holidays, because they are such a joy for me to be apart of.

I will back with fresh and new content the week of January 9th. 

I wish you all lots of love and light and Happy Holidays to you all! 

Follow Me on Pinterest Or on Facebook!


  1. We will miss you but I can tell you have been burnt out lately. Enjoy your break!

  2. I will definitely miss your posts, but you definitely deserve a break! Have a great holiday with your family!

  3. Have a wonderful, relaxing joyful break Stephanie, and Merry Christmas!

  4. @thenew30something...thank you! Hope you have a wonderful holiday too!
    @Maggie May...thank you! Merry Christmas to you as well!

  5. I just came upon your blog- and I LOVE it!!!! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. I am really looking forward to future posts!
