I have a dear friend, Lia, who has a daughter three months younger than Penelope. We have been friends for almost 10 years. She started sending me emails with questions about birth even before she was pregnant. And once Lucia actually got here, the emails started coming on a weekly basis. She asks me all kinds of questions!! I don't want to toot my own horn, but most of the time I know the answer and if I don't I have a pretty good hunch of where to send her in order to do more research on her own.
I LOVE answering her questions. One of my favorite things to do, is simply to be helpful. I like sharing my information and life experiences, which is, hello, why I started this blog in the first place!
So who's got questions?? Ask me anything! If you stick to the areas of my interest you will likely get a more through answer, but I will try and answer anything. My areas of "specialty" are:
Attachment Parenting
Babies and Toddlers
Green Living
Healthy Living
You can email me your questions to Info(at)MamaAndBabyLove.com and I will post my answer on the blog for everyone's benefit!
You are awesome! Not a question... just a declaration! Thank you for all your support <3