Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Get Rid of Back Pain with Tennis Balls!

Got back pain?  Read this!

I learned about this little trick from my Aunt Michelle years ago.  I am not sure where she heard it from, I think maybe her chiropractor told her about it.

Changed. my. life.

Ya'll know I am massage therapist and a fan of getting regular massage and going to the chiropractor.  

But what about those moments when you are in PAIN and you are begging your spouse to massage your back and they either refuse or they are so horrible, you are in worse pain after the massage than you were before!  OR you need a full massage from a professional but you don't have an appointment for another week.  OR you are out of town and back got into a funk from sitting the car for 6 hours and you don't even have access to a professional.

My friends, you need tennis balls in a sock.

You could also buy a similar wooden contraption, but I do not like them.  In my opinion, tennis balls work better, and they are much, much cheaper.

So first you get on the floor and place the tennis ball sock behind you.

Then you slowly lower yourself down so that you are laying on the floor, on the tennis ball sock.

Adjust it so one tennis ball is on either side of your spine.

Then roll the tennis ball sock up and down your spine.  If you feel a knot or sore spot, just stay on it for a few deep breaths.  This is called pressure point therapy.  Basically, you just press and hold in one spot and it releases the entire muscle.  

If you feel your back crack, awesome.  You just gave yourself a DIY chiropractic adjustment.  Remember, this does not replace regular appointments with professionals, it simply is something you can do in the mean time to get you by and relieve pain immediately.

You can lift your butt off the ground and press the weight of your legs into the floor to increase the pressure of the balls on your back (insert giggle here, from my mind that is always in the gutter!)

I also like to sit on them (oh man, I am really not trying to be dirty, I swear) and massage my glutes and my hips.   My hips have always been my problem area, they get so tight, especially when I hold Penelope on my hip instead of in a carrier

But just a few minutes with my tennis balls in a sock and I am good to go.

Now go, make some tennis ball socks!  You can thank me later.  

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  1. Totally needed this! Thanks!


  2. I'm 36 weeks pregnant and heard about this idea from our birth class coach. It is GENIUS! Thanks for sharing it - hopefully others will experience the wonderful relief!

  3. I am totally telling my husband to do this! He needs this for his back like you have no idea!

  4. Thanks for the idea. With baby on the way, my hips and back hurt a lot. I live out of town, so it's hard to schedule those regular appointments, this will be a good quick relief trick! :)

  5. Pure GENIUS! I just laid on the floor after taking my husbands dirty sock and the ball out of my Golden Retrievers toy basket. Ahh-MA-Zing! I have had pain in my back since I was pregnant and now with my lively 9 month old daughter and this was the most immediate relief (don't tell my husband-he dutifully gives me back rubs). Thank you!

  6. Your dirty little balls joke made me laugh out loud (did I really just read that-had to go back and read it again!) I just got your news about your pregnancy in my email, so congratulations!

  7. Does this work with Sacriolitis? Ive had it since I was 17 and even going to a Chiropractor didnt help with the pain. Its an inflamtion, but would this help with blood flow to the hip and spine joint?
