Monday, August 9, 2010

Field Trip to Havana

On Friday last week, I met my friend Lindsey and her son Gabriel, in Havana for lunch and window shopping. Not real shopping, because now that we are both stay at home mama's, we are broke as a joke.  We had so much fun, I just had to share.

Here are the babes, refusing to sit still and smile for the camera.  Instead, Penelope is flashing her belly rolls to Gabriel.  


Then she tried to rip off his nose.

But even after all that, Gabriel still gave her a kiss. Such a sweet boy.

This is where we had lunch and then behind it is where I scored the mother of all fabric deals...I got all these sample squares for $10!! I know, I know, I said I was broke and we are but...they were .50 cents each and each one had three fabric squares, double sided!!  I can't wait to see what they will be made into.
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  1. Horray for friends, Havana, sweet deals, and babes!

  2. Chrysalis gives old swatches for free! Stop in and see Krista, beautiful Stroheim... they are moving lots of stuff to discard.

  3. Oh, Julie. I am ALL over that. Thanks for the tip!
