Friday, October 14, 2011

Pinterest Love: Painted Wood

Before I met my husband, I was the kind of girl that would paint wood furniture all the time.  In college, almost every piece of furniture in my house was painted. I don't know what it is, maybe I watched way too much HGTV my senior year of high school, but I just love the look.

Peter is the kind of guy who is snooty about painted furniture.   He makes turned wood pieces of art and builds furniture from scratch and thinks that the wood is sacred and should not be covered. 

Which I get and with beautiful wood, I understand, but not all wood is the same.  And plus, I feel the itch to paint some furniture coming on!! 

We are in need of a head board in our master bedroom, since we put our bed in the guest bedroom, when we moved our mattress to the floor to make co-sleeping with Penelope safe.

I saw this and fell in love.  Not sure where the heck I can get a used door cheap, but sure it is cool.

This is not furniture, but I really, really want to do this to my garden. Maybe later this winter, when it is all dreary outside.  

 This is why painting furniture is so great. You turn some piece of crap thing, into awesomeness for just a few bucks!  You can see all my pins here.

Do you like to paint furniture?  Or are you a purist like my husband?


  1. I LOVE painted furniture, in fact your disagreement with your husband on this matter is very much like my situation! How funny...I have the itch currently to paint an end table we have. hmmm...maybe this weekend ;) !

  2. If you have a Habitat ReStore nearby (By Habitat for Humanity) you may be able to find a great door option for really cheap. I've found all kinds of great stuff there; and all it needs is a fresh coat of paint and it's good to go!

    Ashley (

  3. I love these! I really love painting furniture but I'm chicken! I have my eye on a few pinterest ideas to paint for my blog (I have a blog where I feature pinterest posts & try to recreate them) :) Thanks for the extra boost of inspiration!
